

The Language of Eminent Monk Biography Influenced by Dual Factors

【作者】 帅志嵩

【导师】 董志翘;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2002, 硕士


【摘要】 本文以初唐汉文佛典文献《续高僧传》为研究对象,旨在采用共时和历时相结合的方法,通过定性和定量的分析,对《续高僧传》中存在的语法、词汇现象作细致的描述;同时,也对一些语言现象试图作出解释,希望能通过专书语言的研究对汉语史的研究提供一些可供参考的材料和观点。 首先,本文就僧传语言的文体和语体形成的动因进行了研究。通过比较,我们初步认为:文体上以四字格为主,主要是一方面由于受到中土史官文化和丧葬文化(如墓志铭)的影响,另一方面则是由于受到了汉译佛典四字格的影响;语体上以文言成分为主,主要是由于受到了中土文化如史传语言和墓志语言的影响。在双重因素的影响下形成了既不同于传统文献,又有别于汉译佛典的典型文体和典型语体。 其次,作为文言性质相当强烈的文献,《续高僧传》仍然保存了不少值得我们注意的语法现象,如名词的附加成分“老”、“子”、“头”、“家”;重叠;动量词的使用;第三人称代词的成熟以及使成式等有关句式的大量出现等。 最后,我们试图通过《续高僧传》一书透视汉语词汇的传承与发展:一方面是大量的承古词和一些新词、新义,更值得我们注意的是其中保留了不少反映有唐一代特色的典型词汇,因为“每一段历史都有自己的词”;另一方面是《续高僧传》中反映出的常用词的更替现象和同义并列的双音词的大量使用,而其中常用词的更替和有关口语性成分相对较高的文献相比明显滞后,这说明文言性成分为主的文献反映的语言事实和口语具有相当大的距离。不过,可以肯定的是,在汉语史的研究中,《续高僧传》仍然是一部具有一定价值的初唐文献,在汉语史的研究中应该占有一定的地位。

【Abstract】 This essay deals with the language of Chinese Buddhist scripture Continuation Eminent Monk Biography in the early Tang dynasty. The Study is based on the diachronic and the synchronic analysis methods. We investigate the facts about me grammar and the vocabulary and try to expound some language phenomena in Continuation Eminent Monk Biography through the quantitative analysis as well as the qualitative analysis. We hope this study can offer some valuable tacts and viewpoints through specially study of Continuation Eminent Monk Biography.At firstly,this thesis studies the cause of the type of writing literature form as well as type of writing. By comparison,we hold that:the type of writing literature form is mainly parted for four characters. This was not only influenced by the official history culture and the funeral culture such as the epitaph,but the Chinese version of Buddhist scriptures;the type of writing which was mainly composed of the Classical Chinese was influenced by traditional civilization. Thus Continuation Eminent Monk Biography differed from not only the traditional documents,but also the Chinese version of Buddhist scriptures.Secondly,although having strongly classical Chinese,Continuation Eminent Monk Biography still preserved lots valuable facts about grammar,such as affix "lao-",u-zi "-tow""jia-,verb classifiers,overlapping,the third personal pronoun,and the disposal construction,etc.Finally,we want to perspective the inheritance and the development of Chinese vocabulary. The author asserts that in Continuation Eminent Monk Biography there have some new words or new lexical meanings while teeming with a number of ancient words. The most important is the typical words such as "haozhu"which mirrored the characteristic of Tang period,because ’every history has its own word". Concurrently,there are a number of renewal everyday expressions and juxtaposed disyllabic synonyms. But facts are obviously sluggish than the facts of colloquialism. Although the facts verify that the document that was mainly composed of Classical writings does not right mirror that day’s language facts,we must affirm Continuation Eminent Monk Biography is a valuable early Tang document,and the indisputable importance in the study of Chinese historical language.

【关键词】 续高僧传语法词汇
【Key words】 Continuation Eminent Monk Biographygrammarvocabulary
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】H109.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】239

