

When is Celebrity Advertising Effective?

【作者】 杨婧岚

【导师】 李杰;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 新闻学, 2002, 硕士


【摘要】 名人广告到底在什么条件下会达到传播效果,这是一个学术界、实务界都很关注的现实问题。本文将从符号学的角度切入,尝试对此问题作出解答。本文将采用语义分析方法,把名人广告视为围绕名人符号而展开的一系列符号操作,从名人符号系统以及广告文本内部意义生产过程的研究着手切入问题的分析。 本文认为,广告是由多种符号要素组成的复杂系统,而名人符号作为名人广告最为关键的符号,其内部结构尤为复杂。它的能指系统由高度辨识性能指、魅力能指构成,前者因与普通符号的高度差别唤起注意、后者以名人的魅力形象感染受众;所指系统由名人的“类”所指与个性化所指构成,前者指向的是“一个(名人)”,意指着取得个人成功与社会承诺的特定社会类别,后者则意指着“这个(名人)”,作为某个名人全部真实生活的语义化,指示着与某个名人相关的极为丰富的意义。名人符号的符号系统还置身于更大的广告系统,作为服从于广告文本整体意义生成的一个意义单元,名人符号必须参与到整个文本的换档加速过程中以完成从自身向广告符号、从实际上的“自说自话”状态到为广告诉求服务的艰难过渡。而这一过程进行得如何,最终还得受制于广告文本的横纵轴结构。 在对名人广告意义生成的基本过程加以透视的基础上,现阶段名人广告的误区在何处就尤其清晰。本文认为,对于名人符号的能指系统以及“类”所指过分、低层次的依赖,导致了对于个性化所指以及广告文本横纵轴结构的忽视与草率,最终才出现了名人符号难以被换档加速为广告文本符号、广告效果大打折扣的尴尬结局。 至此,本文已尝试着为名人广告何时有效的问题给出答案,即必须对名人符号系统在各个层面上平衡、充分的调度,大力发掘个性化所指的丰富资源,同时让名人符号嵌入最为有利的横纵轴结构。 本文共分三章。第一章为绪论,主要探讨了本文的研究对象、研究现状及研究方法。第二章简要介绍了名人广告的概念、历史与现状,根据符号学 有关理论与方法对于名人符号的能指与所指系统展开了深入的考察,同时研 究了名人符号具体参与文本意义生成的过程。通过名人符号与广告文本意义 生成机制的深入剖析,力图找到名人效果问题的内部依据。第三章在前面研 究的基础上,具体剖析了当代名人广告存在的误区,发现误区皆是现实操作。中对名人广告内在规律的忽视与草率而导致的。通过对于名人广告误区的解 剖,本文对于名人广告何时有效的问题给出结论。

【Abstract】 The question about celebrity advertising effect has been drawing a lot of attention. This dissertation tries to find an answer. The dissertation will choose the angle of Semiotics and analyse the text of celebrity advertising with the method of Semantics. The dissertation will take celebrity advertising as a series of practicing of symbols centering on the celebrity symbol,then study the inside of celebrity symbol and the text of the advertising,and research into how does the celebrity advertising produce the meaning. Through such a journey,we expect to find a new answer different from the other researchers.The dissertation argues that advertising is a system made up of different symbols,and that celebrity symbol is the vital symbol so the inside structure is especially complicated. The celebrity symbol has a system of signifier made up of highly differential signifier and charming signifier. The signified system is constructed by the kind signified and the personal signified. The system of the celebrity symbol also acts as an element of the whole advertising text and should be changed into an advertising symbol supporting the whole appeal. All in all the process depends on whole the Syntamatic and Paradigmatic structure of the advertising text.Subsequently the dissertation discusses the mistakes of the current celebrity advertising,and argues that the unhealthy dependence on the signifier and the kind signified causes the neglect of the personal signified and the Syntamatic and Paradigmatic structure. All of this leads to an bad effect for the celebrity advertising.The dissertation has three chapters. The first chapter deals with the object,method and the research by other scholars. The second chapter introduces the concept,history of celebrity advertising and explores the signifier and signified system of celebrity symbol and researches into the process of its taking part in the text meaning producing. The third chapter analyses the mistakes of current celebrity symbol operating and draws a conclusion.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 01期
  • 【分类号】F713.80;G206.3
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1134

