

Researching and Realizing of the Net-Numerical Control Operating Platform

【作者】 黄湛

【导师】 龙伟;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着网络技术的发展和先进制造技术研究的进一步深入,网络数控作为网络互联背景下的数控制造单元,日益受到国内外制造界的关注。网络数控系统具有信息易集成、功能易扩展的特点,因而可以为先进生产模式提供最底层的支持。 网络数控操作平台作为网络数控系统进行信息集成和功能集成的软件环境和网络数控系统直观的操作界面,是网络数控系统实现的关键技术。通过操作平台有机地将优秀的CAD\CAM软件、生产管理软件加以功能集成,有利于短期内建成多功能网络化制造单元,对于提高国有制造企业的制造加工水平和市场应变能力具有十分重要的意义。 本课题在对网络数控操作平台的结构模式及功能进行了系统的研究之后,提出了网络数控操作平台信息集成的解决方案,并初步实现了功能集成。在课题研究中,主要做了以下工作: ① 研究了网络数控操作平台的结构模式,将其功能划分为信息集成和功能集成; ② 运用IDEF系统分析方法对平台信息流进行研究,划分出五大功能模块,绘制出模块功能模型图,为信息集成做好准备工作; ③ 运用面向对象的程序设计语言Delphi 5.0开发操作平台软件,实现操作平台的信息管理; ④ 实现了串口通信模块、加工仿真模块与操作平台的集成,为进一步的功能集成提供了思路和方法; 网络数控操作个台的研究与实现 ⑤提出了将远程视频技术集成入网络数控系统的方案。为网络数控系 统提供直观的操作环境。 该操作平台人机界面友好。’操作简单易学,移植性和可维护性好,可扩展性强,具有广泛的应用前景和较高的实用价值。

【Abstract】 Along with the developing of network technology and advanced manufacturing technology, Net-Numerical Control (Net-NC) has been paid attention to by specialists in manufacture increasingly today. As a NC manufacturing unit supported by network. For Net-NC system is scalable, reconfigurable and reengineering, it can provide the rock-bottom supports to advanced production model.The Net-NC operating platform is the key to Net-NC’s realization, it is the interface through which users and computer can communicate each other, at the same time The Net-NC operating platform provide an integral circumstance in which the information produced in process can be managed efficiently. Other software module can be integrated into operating platform effectively. The CAD/CAM system and Computer Aided Production Management system (CAPMS) can be integrated into The Net-NC operating platform, which will enhance the function of processing unit supported by network. A reconfigurable and scalable network process unit will improve manufacturing ability and ability to response the changing market in Chinese manufacturing enterprises.On the base of structural analysis and design, functional analysis to the Net-NC operating platform, the scheme of information integrated of operating platform has been brought forward and realized and functional integration also beattempted. The main contents of studying in this thesis have been showed as bellow:1. Analysising and designing the structure of Net-NC operating platform and studying operating platform in two ways: one is the platform’s function integrate, the other is it’s information integrate.2. Applying method of system’s analysis Integration Definition method (IDEF) to the functional and structural analysis of Net-NC operating platform, five modules of function have been abstracted, the charts of functional models of these modules have been designed;3. Developing Net-NC Operating platform software by the Object-oriented programming language Delphi 5.0, having realized information manage of the Net-NC Operating platform;4. Integrating serial communication module and processing simulation module into Net-NC Operating platform, and fatherly functional integrate will go on ;5. Bringing forward a integrate scheme in which applying remote video-technology into Net-NC system, which provided a face to face circumstance in Net-NC.The software has many advantages such as: friendly interface, easy to be used, easy to be replanted and maintained, easy to be expanded, etc. So it has good prospect of application and high utility value.

【关键词】 网络数控操作平台
【Key words】 NetworkNumerical ControlOperating platform
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】TG659
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】108

