

Complex Properties of Black Wattle Extract Oxidizing Modified Products Reacting With Metal Ions and Their Tanning Properties

【作者】 陈瑜

【导师】 何有节;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 皮革化学与工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文通过荆树皮栲胶降解产物与金属离子络合反应pH值及沉淀量等的变化,以及络合产物的红外、纸色谱等分析,对络合反应程度与结果进行了详细的阐述,比较了降解产物与原栲胶与金属离子在络合性质、络合能力上的差别,为实施与金属离子结合鞣的应用提供了依据。在降解产物与铬、铝结合鞣实验中,通过不同的用量配比和工艺条件,得到经过氧化氢适度降解产物Perwat-30与铬、铝结合鞣的最佳实验方案。成革颜色浅淡,粒面平细,革身柔软,同时减少了铬、铝鞣剂的用量,铬鞣剂可减少至平常用量的一半,扩大实验表明各项物理性能指标均符合部颁标准。结果表明,降解产物不仅适用于当前制革业以轻革、面革为主要产品类型的生产,而且适合于“无铬少铬”鞣剂的开发和清洁化制革工艺的实施。 实验还表明,降解产物在分子量减小的同时引入了新的官能团羧基,并用电导滴定方法初步测定了羧基的含量,随氧化程度加大,产物羧基含量增加,羧基的引入对于与金属离子的络合及与胶原纤维的结合起到了重要作用。 本文同时建立了测定含栲胶铬鞣废液中铬含量的新方法,该方法可在植一铬结合鞣研究及生产控制中使用。 本论文为降解产物在制革业中的实际应用,特别是为建立与多种金属离子的结合鞣法相应的结合鞣体系打下了基础。

【Abstract】 With the determination of pH and precipitate in complex reaction of Black Wattle Extract oxidizing modified products and metal ions ,and IR and paper chromatography analysis of the complex products, the degree and results of complex reaction have been explained in detail. Comparing the complex properties and abilities between the oxidizing modified products and its original Extract ,provide basis for the combination tannage with metal ions. In the experiments of oxidizing modified products -Cr(Al) combination tannage , changing the quantity and process, we put forward a best plan of moderate degraded product Perwat-30-Cr(Al) combination tannage. The leather shade is light, grain is smooth, and the body is flexible, meanwhile the quantity of Cr and Al has been decreased, especially for Cr reduced by half. The physical properties of leather accord with the professional standard . The results show that oxidizing modified products are fit for the type of light leather and face leather, moreover it can be used in the development of "No-Chrome,Less-Chrome" tanning agent and the practice of clean leather process.The new functional group of carboxyl group has been introduced with the decrease of molecular weight, and the content has been determined by using the conductivity titration method . the higher the oxidizing degree of products ,the more the content. The introduction of carboxyl group matter much in complex with metal ions and combination with collagen fibrils .A new method in determination of chrome content in chrome tanning waste water full of plantextract has also been raised.It can be used in study of plant chrome combination tannage and manufacture control.The thesis make a basis for the practice of oxidizing modified products in leather industry, especially for the combination tannage system with metal ions .

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】TS529
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】207

