

【作者】 束剑华

【导师】 唐斌;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 教育经济与管理学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 学分制是以选修课(选修制)为基础、以学分作为计算学生学习量的单位的教学管理制度,它具有自由的选修、强调个性发展、实行目标管理和学制弹性化等重要特征以及导向、调节和激励三个功能,是一种能够适应学生个体差异和个性化需要的弹性教学制度。 在当今的学习社会里,职业教育承担着职业准备、在职提高和职业转换等任务,毕业生又有就业和升学两种方向,在这种情况下,传统学校教育的学年制和班级授课制与个性化的选择性学习之间的矛盾显得越来越突出,如不实行学分制,将很难满足人们对职业教育多样化的需求。实行学分制是中职主动适应经济建设和社会发展的要求,是中职面向全体学生,实施素质教育的要求,是中职进一步深化教育教学改革的要求,也是中职主动融入社会大教育之中、构建起社会终身学习体系的要求。 中职教育和高等教育虽同属于专业教育,但由于学校性质、培养目标、生源状况、办学条件等方面的不同,中职在推进学分制的过程中,不能盲目照搬高校的做法和经验,而必须积极探索既能满足学分制的本质要求又符合中职教育教学实际的新途径和新办法。新形势下,中职学分制的重要内容和特点包括:用必修课、限选课和任选课重构课程体系;用学分和成绩分双重评价指标来衡量学生学习的量和质;对一些难度较大的课程(如数学、外语等)实行分层要求、分类考核;把学生取得社会认可的各种证书、学生参加社会实践活动及学生参加各类竞赛取得的成绩等纳入奖励学分的范畴,以充分发挥学分的“杠杆”作用;实行弹性学制,架设学生成长、成才的“立交桥”;充分尊重学生学习的自主权,逐步建立和完善选课制和导师制。 学分制的实质是“选课制”,即学校制定弹性教学计划和弹性课程,学生可以自主灵活地选课。“选”只是形式,“课”才是核心。现行的中职的课程体系普遍存在学科性过强、内容陈旧且学用脱节、课程类型单一等弊端,既不能适应新时期培养目标的要求,也不适应学分制的要求,因此不进行课程改革就不可能有真正的学分制。中职学分制课程体系应充分体现灵活性、实践性、时代性和多样性等特点。中职学校在构建学分制课程体系时遵循全面发展原 摘要 中职学分制及课程体系改革的研究则、能力本位原则、因材施教原则、产教结合原则、整体优化原则和统一性和灵活性相结合原则,并且正确处理文化课与专业课、关键能力和专业能力、专业教育与人文教育、日常教学与就业指导等各方面的关系。构建中职学分制课程体系的主要途径包括:课程内容综合化、课程设计模块化、课程类型多样化、课程教学现代化。 由学分制到学年制,虽只一字之差,但却是中等职业学校教育教学管理制度的重大改革,它涉及到社会的许多方面和学校工作的各个环节,是一项非常复杂的系统工程。目前,中职实行学分制虽有一些有利条件,如现代职教观的形成、人事制度的改革及人才市场的建立以及经过多年的改革和发展学校的办学实力显著增强等,但也存在诸如学校规模较小、专业划分过细,教学设施相对不足、教学管理手段落后,师资队伍结构单一、素质不高,学生年龄偏小、文化基础较差、自制能力不强等许多不利因素。应对上述不利因素,中职在试汀学分制过程中应遵循因地制宜、因材施教、管教管导、分步推进等原则,并采取下列措施,积极创造条件,确保学分制改革的顺利进行:加强宏观调控,完善相关政策;广泛宣传,转变观念,形成共识;加强师资队伍和管理队伍建设:加快教学基本设施和管理手段建设的步伐:改革和加强学生管理工作等。

【Abstract】 The credit system is a system based on elective system and measures the learning load of students with their credits. It permits free election and emphasizes the development of personality and conducts management by objectives (MBO) and flexible educational system. All these are credit system’s features. It has the functions of the role of guidance, regulation and encouragement and is a kind of flexible system of educational management that can adapt to the ontogenetic difference and individualized need. The success of the credit system in colleges and universities has proved that.In today’s learning society, the secondary vocational schools bear responsibility for occupational preparation, improvement at working and preparation ’for professional transfer. What’s more, students graduated from secondary vocational schools can begin to work or enter a higher school. Under these circumstances, the contradictions between the school year system of traditional school education and the individualized elective study turns more and more prominent. It is difficult to meet people’s diversified needs without the credit system. To meet the needs of economic construction and social progress, to put quality education into practice and let all students benefit from it, to conform to social education and construct the system of social life learning, secondary vocational schools should exercise the credit system.Although both secondary vocational education and higher education belong to specialized education, during the course of pushing on the credit system, secondary vocational schools shouldn’t indiscriminately imitate colleges and universities in practice and experience, but seek new ways that can meet the essential demands of the credit system and the reality of middle vocational education, because of the great difference of the nature of schools, the aim of education, the sources of students and the conditions of teaching. The important contents and characteristics of credit system in secondary vocational schools are the following: The system of courses is reconstructed with compulsory courses, elective courses with limitation and electivecourses without limitation. The quantity and quality are measured by credit and achievement. The much more difficult courses such as mathematics and English have classified demand and evaluation in order to meet the needs of students with different learning foundation and needs for development. All kinds of certificates permitted by society and achievement got by social practice and varied contests are involved in credits so that the credits’ role of balance is developed fully. Flexible educational system is put into practice to build the bridge for the development and success of students. The independent managerial right of students is respected fully and the elective course system and tutor system are established and perfected.The essence of credit system is "the system of elective course". The flexible teaching program and courses should be developed and the students can choose courses freely. "Choosing" is only the form and the crux is the "course". The system of curriculum conducted in secondary vocational schools has some disadvantages, for example, the classification of every courses is too prominent; the contents are out of time; what the students study doesn’t accord with what they need in practice and the form of curriculum is single, so it isn’t adapted to the demands of educational aims in new era as so as the credit system. Therefore there isn’t real credit system until the reform in curriculum system is carried out. A good curriculum system in credit system in secondary vocational school should possess the following main characteristics: flexibility, practicality, the trend of the times and diversity. Secondary vocational schools should adhere to the rules of all-round development, competence standard, teaching in accordance with students’ aptitude, integrating production and teaching, overall improvement and combining integration with flexibility. Besides, it

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】G712
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】641

