

【作者】 梁红英

【导师】 党惊知; 白培康;

【作者基本信息】 华北工学院 , 材料加工工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 快速成型技术是近二十年来制造技术领域的一个重大突破。本文介绍了选择性激光烧结快速成型技术的原理、国内外的发展概况及其在模具制造中的应用。并对覆膜金属粉的选择性激光烧结成型工艺进行了研究。研究主要从三个方面进行第一,完成了覆膜316L不锈钢金属粉的制备,应用该技术生产的覆膜金属粉在许多单位得到应用取得良好效果且该项技术获得了国家专利。第二,对激光烧结成型工艺进行研究,经过正交实验和方差分析后确定出最佳烧结工艺参数。第三,完成了对激光烧结件的后处理(脱脂、高温烧结、渗金属),且零件具有良好的机械性能,基本满足工模具的使用要求。

【Abstract】 Rapid prototyping technology is a big break through in province of manufacture in twenty years. The paper present the principle of Selective Laser Sintering, development in home and oversea and it’s application in the metal molds. The technics of the Selective Laser Sintering for metal power covered with organic resin is studied in this paper, the content of research include three segments, firstly, we have finished the manufacture of 316L stainless steel metal power cocered with organic resin, the metal power covered with organic resin is applied by a lot of department and effect of use is very good, this technology also acquired patent. Secondly, the technics of Selective Laser Sintering is also studied in this paper, we have received the best technological parameter through the experiment and analysis. The last, we have accomplished the last treatment to the parts, on account of the parts have excellent mechanical capability, it can satisfied the damand of metal molds.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 华北工学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】TF124
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】385

