

Analysing the Evolution and Breeding Objectives of Barley Varieties in Fujian

【作者】 郭媛贞

【导师】 刘思衡; 陈炳坤;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 通过搜集、整理五十年来福建省大麦生产的历史资料和统计数据,并进行不同时期代表性品种的比较试验,对福建省大麦栽培的生态条件、生态区划、生产发展、品种演变及育种目标作了分析研究,为持续发展大麦生产提供科学依据。结果表明,福建的气候、土壤条件是适合种植大麦的,畜牧业和啤酒业的迅速发展需要同时发展大麦生产;引进和培育了早熟3号、矮早三、莆大麦4号、莆大麦5号、莆大麦6号、莆大麦7号、莆大麦8号、闽诱3号、闽麦06、闽麦02等优良品种,进行了三次品种大更换,品种性状发生了显著变化,九十年代的品种平均比古老地方品种莆田乌肚株高降低23.6cm,单株穗数增加1.52个,穗长增加1.47cm,单穗粒重增加0.41g,千粒重增加14.96g,每穗粒数减少44.7粒,小区产量增加近一倍,抗白粉病性由高感增强到高抗,生育期延长7天,籽粒蛋白质含量有的品种提高,达到14%以上,符合饲料大麦的需要,有的品种降低,在12%以下,符合啤酒大麦的需要。 福建省大麦生育后期雨水较多,温度较高,白粉病、赤霉病较重,影响产量和品质,经济效益较低。虽然单产不断提高,但播种面积和总产不稳定,并有下降趋势。今后应加速培育饲料大麦新品种,并加强啤酒大麦品种的选育,以多穗型品种为主,加强大穗中迟熟品种的选育,实现二棱、多棱大麦品种合理搭配。新品种产量目标应是大面积单产(每666.67m~2)在350kg以上,并具有400kg左右的增产潜力。为此要选育春性中等,分蘖较早,分蘖力较强,成穗率高的品种,增加单位面积穗数,进一步提高粒重,稳定每穗粒数,以较多的穗数和较高的粒重达到高产。

【Abstract】 Analysing the ecologic condition.ecologic distribution,production development,variety evolution and breeding objective for barley cultivated in Fujian by collecting and sorting the historical materials and statistics of barley production for 50 years in Fujian and the comparing experiment of representative varieties in different periods,provided scientific basis for developing barley production.The following were the results:Climate and soil in Fujian were fit for cultivating barley,which mit the requirement of the fast development of livestock farming and beer industry. 10 excellent varieties were imported and bred in Fujian:Zaoshu 3,Aizao 3,Pudamai 4,Pudamai SJ’udamai 6,Pudamai 7,Pudamai 8,Minyou 3, Minmai 06 and Minmai 02.There were three times for alteration of cultivar and varieties in 1990s changed their traits in the following 7 aspects.compared to lacal variety-Putian wudu.Average height lowered 23.6cm,ear number per plant increased 1.52.ear length increased 1.47cm,grain weight per plant increased 0.41g,thousand grain weight increased 14.96g,grain number per ear decreased 44.7 grains, yield per unit area was nearly double.resistance to Powdery Mildew changed from high infection to high resistance.growth period lengthened 7 days.some varieties fit to be used as fodder barley increased grain protein content to above 14%,some varieties fit to be used as beer barley lowered protein content to under 12%.During the late growing period of barley in Fujian/ain was rich.temperature was relatively high, Scab and Powdery mildew were serious.All these affected the yield and quality of barley,thus affected economical benefit.Although yield per unit area increased continously,the total sowing area and yield are unstable,and had the tendency of decreasing. We should accelerate to breed multi-ear fodder barley varieties and beer ones with large-ear and mid-late mature period.We should breed new varieties with two -rowed or multi-rowed at reasonable ratio.Per unit area(666.7m2) yield being over 350kg and the latent yield capacity being about 400kg were yield objective of new varieties. Therefore.we should breed new varieties with more tillers,early tillers,high ratio of tillers being developed to ear.high ear number per unit areajiigh grain weight and steady grain number per ear.High yield were achieved through more ear number and higher grain weight.

【关键词】 大麦品种演变育种目标
【Key words】 BarleyVariety evolutionBreeding objective
  • 【分类号】S512.3
  • 【下载频次】49

