

The Teaching of Culture in the English Language Education

【作者】 李建平

【导师】 李力;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 如何在外语教育中实施文化教学,已广泛引起外语界的关注。本文针对这一课题的有关理论依据和教学实践问题进行了有益的探讨,认为在英语教学中必须实施文化教学,以培养学生的交际能力,在教学过程中,教授语言技能和对文化的认知应是并重的。 文化与语言是密切相关的,在外语教育中,文化的定义包括全人类的文明成果和某种生活方式、行为习惯。文化上的差异反映在语言和交际行为中,而是否理解和懂得这些文化差异、文化制约和交际规则则直接影响交际的成败。 然而,传统的教学法存在着一些观念上的误区,总是认为学生学习外语,就是学习语言系统成分的正确用法,学习者在此基础上自然会掌握实际应用语言的能力,从而忽视了语言的得体性和社会环境等重要因素在交际中所起的作用。因此,在英语教学中,文化教学没有引起教师的重视,文化教学也没有作为一个重要的教学目标与听、说、读、写四项基本语言技能相提并论,或者放在更重要的位置上,以至于当学生把课堂上所学的语言知识放在具体的文化环境中,屡犯文化错误,不能顺利达到交际目的。笔者从自己从事英语教学的经验教训中体会到,文化教学是当前外语教学中亟待改进的问题。外语教学绝不仅仅是要求学生语法正确,还必须使他们了解所学语言国家的文化。外语教学的目的在于培养学生的交际能力,以便使他们能在各种文化环境中成功地进行交际。 本文以D.Hymes的交际能力理论与Halliday的功能语法理论为指导,阐述了文化与语言的关系,论述了文化教学的重要性,回答了有关文化教学的一些具体问题,诸如,英语教学中的文化教学指的是什么?应该怎样确立文化教学的内容、实质和范围?在教学中采用什么方法?等等。 本文共分六个部分: 第一部分为引论,论述了在外语教学中实施文化教学的重要性。指出当前外语教学中普遍存在重外语技能、轻文化教育的问题。本文认为外语教学的根本目的是培养学生的语言交际能力,交际能力所涉及的知识和技能应包括语法能力、社会能力、语篇能力、策略能力等,而不是单纯的语占知识。要达到这一目的就必须在外语教学中实施文化教育,以便使学生既掌握语占技能——听、说、读、写、译,又掌握交际能力,以适应不同社会的文化环境,避免文化错误的产生,从而成功地进行交际。 第二部分引述了D.Hymes的交际能力理论与Halliday的功能语法理论,从理论上对文化教学进行了指导。众所周知,外语教学中的一个基本问题是语言教学应达到什么目的,或者语言学习者应该达到什么样的语言水平。现代语言学认为:第二语言水平包括交际能力的几个方面,而不是单一的语言结构能力。语占输入向输出的转化受学习者不同学习过程的影响:要了解语言使用规则,语言知识在什么样的社会文化场合使用什么语言形式来恰当表达意思。 Chomsky在有关语言能力(competence)和语言亏为(performance)的论述中指出:语言能力与语言行为是有区别的。他认为:语言是内化在人们头脑中的语法规则,他的理论向行为主义提出了挑战,使我们对语言有了新的认识,推动了语言学和应用语言学理论的发展。D.Hyffi%进一步以语吉的社会功能为出发点,提出了交际能力概念,从而扩展了“能力”这一概念的内涵。他的交际能力的理论对英语语言学和语言教学有着重大意义,深刻影响了第二语言教学中教师的角色和应该教什么,能够教什么的概念。Hallidny则完全否定了Chomsky的关于能力的定义,他认为语言是在社会交际中用来完成各种功能的工具,学习语言就是掌握一系列的语言功能。他们的观点对学习者所应达到的语言水平这一概念产生了重要影响。并将语言的得体性和社会环境这一方向带入了我们的视线。 第三部分论述语言与文化的关系。文化与语自‘是密不可分的。文化指一群人通过个人或群体世代努力所获得的一切的沉积物,包括知识、经验、信仰、价值观、行为、态度、意义等级制度、宗教、时间概念、角色、时间关系、宇宙观、制造物等。文化通过语言和思想模式并以活动和行为模式展现出来。把语言和文化分开是不可能的。从基本意义上讲,语言是一个大的人类群体使用和理解的一套符号和连接这些符号的规则系统。词语和表示符号的声音因文化而异。制约符号的声音使用的规则也因文化而异。语言是了解一种文化如何理解现实的向导。词汇的意义山文化决定。词的用法和意义是学得的,所有文化和亚文化有规范词汇用法和意义的特有的经验。由于文化背景的不同,各国使用语言规则以及交际行为方式也不尽相同。 第四部分:文化教学的目标。西方国家对文化教学的目标主要有感知和认知两种类型。国外的文化教学目标给我们的外语教学目标提供了参考,但并不等于是现成的答案。对于中国学生来说,文化教学的目标首先应该是使学生熟悉英语国家中的日常生活场景,理解英语国家的社会因素,包括风俗习惯,生活方式,对问题通常的看法。在这方面可以利用人类学的研究成果。其次,应该把社会语言学的研究成果介绍给学生,使学生了

【Abstract】 In teaching English as a foreign language, the importance of teaching culture has been widely recognized. However how to teach culture in foreign language education is a problem faced by language educators all over the world. In the present dissertation, the concerning linguistic theories and various ways of teaching foreign culture in the English classroom will be surveyed and studied in the light of Chinese situation. The present dissertation stresses that culture teaching is very essential in the English language education. The teaching of language and the teaching of culture are of the same importance in the English classroom.Language and culture are closely related. In foreign language education, the definition of culture teaching should include all the human achievements of civilization and the ways of life and the different habits of people. Culture differences are reflected in languages and communicative activities. Furthermore it makes great difference in communication whether learners can understand or know the cultural differences, cultural rules, and even the cultural taboos.As we know, communication is rule-governed. People expect culturally determined patterns of behavior or rules to govern their interactions. In communication, rules prescribe behavior by establishing appropriate and acceptable responses to communication stimuli for various social context within the larger culture. Social settings usually stimulate which rules are appropriate for a particular situation, but it is culture that constructs the rules, which are culturally diverse. Although cultures have many of the same social settings or contexts, they may employ different rules. To be successful ininternational communication, it is essential that you know not only your own culture’s rules but also the cultural rules of the people with whom you are interacting.However, in traditional approaches to language teaching, the degree of proficiency that a learner achieved is described in terms of his mastery of "structures"梩hat is, of the phonology, morphosyntax, and lexicon of the target language. The aims of a language teaching course are very often defined with reference to the four "language skills": understanding speech, speaking, reading and writing. What matters is whether or not梠r to what degree-he has learned the sounds of target language, a certain amount of grammar, and certain number of words. Culture teaching is not taken so important a teaching target as the above mentioned language skills.The view is now questioned since it neglects appropriatness of various social and cultural situations, which are very essential to successful communication. And because of the lack of cultural knowledge, students often make cultural mistakes when they communicate with native speakers.From years of my experience in teaching English, I gradually realize the importance of culture teaching to Chinese students. English teaching should be aimed at developing students’ communicative competence so that they would be able to react freely and proper with native speakers of English in various social situations. Language should be taught in culture. The two are of the same importance.The present dissertation is under guidance of the theories of communicative competence by D. Hymes and the functional grammar by M.A.K. Halliday, answering the questions such as the importance of culture teaching, the content, scope and essence of culture, and the methods of culture teaching. The dissertation is composed of six parts.Chapter One is an introduction, stating the importance of culture teaching in foreign language education and the problems faced by English teachers in teaching culture and stressing that foreign language teaching should aim at not only language skills but also students’ communicative competence, which includes the grammar ability, socialinguitic system, semantic competence and strategic skills. This chapter also includes the structure of the present dissertation.Chapter Two is based on the theories of communicative c

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