

The Ideal Christian Thoughts and Its Changes in Macanese Literature

【作者】 李秀红

【导师】 王列耀;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 文艺学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 具备浓厚宗教色彩正是土生文学的特色之一。本文亦将试从此一特定角度,集中研究澳门土生文学中反映基督教观念的作品,剖析澳门土生文学所反映的理想基督教观念及其嬗变,以探讨澳门土生族群的宗教理想与在这一框架中的社会生活,以期了解澳门这片被称为东西文化和平共融之地的某些奥秘。 为了便于研究和有较清晰的概念,首先对本文将论及的土生葡人、土生文学和基督教观念等词语进行定义。 第一部分将探讨与分析土生文学中所反映理想基督教的观念。如以伦理和婚姻的观念的角度作出分析,分析在理想观念下基督教宣扬的爱、宽恕和平等如何贯彻于伦理和婚姻观念之中。 第二部分将是重点探讨分析土生文学中理想基督教观念的嬗变。换句话,也可以说是土生文学所反映的澳门土生族群的现实生活中理想基督教观念的嬗变。此部分除了研究伦理和婚姻观念的嬗变外,还集中于研究中西宗教融和的嬗变现象,并分析其嬗变与历史背景的关系和原因。 最后,对从宗教角度研究土生文学的意义作出总结。当中包括土生文学反映了理想基督教观念在澳门发生嬗变的基本因素、土生族群矛盾的宗教观念和土生文学具备宗教氛围的独特性。

【Abstract】 One of the characteristics of the Macanese literature is its fantastic religious background. The theme of the following writings will study the Macanese literature from its religious point of view and will basically examine the literature concerning the Macanese literature, which reflects the thoughts of Christians, to analyze the ideal Christian thoughts and its changes reflected from the Macanese literature, to investigate the religious destination and their social lives within this religious framework in order to understand the mystery in nominating Macao as the land of the combination of Eastern and Western religious.To facilitate the research as well as to have a clearer concept, first of all, I shall introduce the Macanese in Macao, the Macanese literature and their Christian thoughts in terms of their definitions and signification.The first part of the content is to investigate the ideal Christian thoughts viewing from the macanese literature, analysis of which will base on the marriage and ethic point of view; to analyse the spread of love under ideal Christian thoughts; how to stimulate forgiveness and peacefulness within marriage and ethical lives.Following by which will emphasize on the investigation of the changes of ideal Christian thoughts in Macanese literature, which means that how lives could be reflected from the Macanese literature viewing from the community of Macanese society as well as the changes of ideal Christian thoughts. This part not only study the evolution of marriage and ethic, it also concentrates on the investigation of the changes on the religious combination of Eastern and Western phenomenon, it also analyses its changes in relation to its historical background and the reasons in behind.Finally, it concludes the purposes to investigate Macanese literature from the Christians point of view, including the main reasons which caused the changes of ideal Christian thoughts in Macao as reflected from the Macanese literature; the contradictions of the religious characteristics between the Christian thoughts and Macanese literature inside the Macanese society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】I209.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】107

