

Guangdong Jianye Construction & Development Group Co.,Ltd

【作者】 白涛

【导师】 何振翔;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士


【摘要】 广东建业开发集团有限公司通过企业重组,将21家企业重组合并为以房地产为主,集建筑设计、建筑施工、工程监理、物业管理于一体的专业化企业集团,并探索和形成了企业的远景目标、战略思路和一系列战略措施。 本案例着重描述了建业集团的重组过程、核心业务定位、战略思路探索。运用二十世纪九十年代公司战略三角形的理论,分析评价了集团的重组思路;研究主营业务的行业环境特征;运用五种竞争力量模型,引入相关利益者的影响,在对各种竞争力量分析的基础上,确定建业集团的竞争地位和能力;运用价值链理论和SWOT的分析方法,了解集团经营管理模式和战略定位;从战略三角形理论的资源、业务和组织三千方面为企业塑造核心竞争力和形成竞争优势提出一系列的建议。

【Abstract】 Jianye Construction & Development Group Co. ?Ltd reorganize 21 enterprises into an integrated group, the business focus on real estate, which include designing, construction, supervising, real estate management. The group also builds up strategic perspective and objectives, strategic thoughts and a set of strategic implementations.This case mainly describes the reorganizing process, core business positioning and strategic thoughts. Using the Strategic Triangle Theory to analyze the group reorganization, study the environmental characteristics of core business and decide the competitive position and capabilities based on competitive forces analysis theory. The case figures out the management system and strategic position of the group through the methods of Value chain and SWOT, and also provides a set of strategic suggestions for building up corporate core competitiveness and forming the competitive superiorities from the points of view of resources, businesses and structure of Strategic Triangle Theory.

【关键词】 企业重组竞争房地产战略
【Key words】 EnterpriseReorganizeCompetitiveReal-estateStrategy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【下载频次】126

