

【作者】 焦娇

【导师】 汪世虎;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 民商法学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 对重整营业保护制度的探讨,在我国理论界鲜有人涉足。鉴于市场经济体制改革的不断深入和发展,越来越多的企业会走上重整之路,笔者由此以《论重整营业保护制度》作为硕士学位论文选题,并试图通过本文,对我国重整营业保护的理论建设尽自己微薄之力。 本文除前言和小结外,共分五个部分。其中第三、第四和第五部分是本文的重点论述部分。 第一部分:重整营业保护制度概述。由于理论界缺乏对重整营业保护这一概念的明确界定,笔者在对此概念径行界定的基础上,对重整营业保护的特点予以总结。紧接着笔者介绍了重整营业保护的理论基础,并对重整营业保护的必要性进行了分析。 第二部分:重整营业保护的参与人。笔者认为,凡参与重整营业保护活动的利害关系人,都是重整营业保护的参与人。在此基础上,笔者把“重整营业保护的参与人”之概念与“重整营业参与人”之概念进行了比较。重整营业保护的参与人是重整营业保护制度中权利义务承受的主体,其在重整营业保护中的作用和法律地位是本部分概括和介绍的重点。 第三部分:重整人的权利义务。鉴于重整营业保护中,重整人与重整债务人的特殊关系,本部分只对重整人之权利义务进行了论述和探讨。其中,笔者引入了重整营业授权的概念。笔者在把重整人享有的有关授权与破产程序中财产管理人的权利相比较的基础之上,将重整立法对重整人及重整债务有关营业方面的授权划分为三种:(1)重整营业保护的一般授权;(2)重整营业保护的特别授权;(3)重整营业保护的其他授权。尤其是在对有关重整营业特别授权的论述中,笔者认为,重整人所享有的“对抵销权和取回权权利行使之抗辩权”也是其在重整营业保护中所享有的重整营业特别授权。在对以上授权的探讨中,笔者结合我国拟定中的《企业破产和重整法》(草案),对其有关规定进行了评述,并提出了立法建议。 第四部分:对债权人权利的保护与限制。本部分探讨了重整营业保护制度对债权人实体权利和程序权利上的保护和限制。在“债权人享有的实体权利”一节中,笔者对债权人之类别加以区分,同时从理论上阐述了重整营业保护制度对担保债权人、一般债权人、特殊债权人、共益“债权人椭u之保护。在具体的论述过程中,笔者同样对我国拟定中的《企业破产和重整法》(草案)中的有关规定进行了评述,并提出了立法建议。 第五部分:重整程序的优位化.重整程序的优位化是重整制度特有的内容。重整营业保护制度之中,重整程序的优位化占有十分重要的地位。本部分中,笔者首先对重整程序优位化在重整营业保护中的具体体现进行了介绍。关于其他民事程序产生中止效力的问题,笔者介结了自动中止主义和裁定中止主义两种立法晌,对我国拟定中的《企业破产_和重整法》(草案)中的有关问题进行了分析和阐述。 每种制度都不会十全十美,通过以上述部分的分析和探讨,笔者在。文章小结部分对重整营业保护制度的优、缺点进行了分析和探讨。最后结合我国国情,对我国重整营业保护的司法实践提出了自已的希望和建 议。

【Abstract】 There are few discussions on system of protecting business during reorganization period in our theory circles. Since the reform of our market-oriented economy system continues developing, more and more enterprises will be reorganized. Through this thesis, the author tries to do something for building theory on reorganization protecting business.There are five main parts in this thesis.Part I: Introduction of the system of business protection during reorganization period. Since there is no clear definition of protecting business during reorganization period in the circle of theory, the author sums up the characteristics of protecting business during reorganization period on the base of giving a definition by herself. And then the author introduces the theoretical basis of protecting business during reorganization period and analyses on the necessity of protecting business during reorganization period.Part II: Participants in protecting business during reorganization period. The name of "Participants in protecting business during reorganization period" is raised of the author’s own idea Here considers that all the interested persons participating the activity of protecting business during reorganization period are participants in protecting business during reorganization period. Then the author contrasts the concepts of participants in protecting business during reorganization period and participants of reorganization business. In fact, participants in protecting business are the inheriting subject in the system of protecting business, whose role and legal status is the emphasis of this part.Part III: Rights and obligations of trustee. Because of the special relationship between the trustee and reorganizationdebtors in protecting business during reorganization period, the author discusses the trustee’s rights and obligations only, especially rights. In this part, the author quotes the concepts of reorganization authority of business. Contrasting the rights of trustee and those of property administrator in bankruptcy procedure the author divide those authorities into three parts: common authorities, special authorities and other authorities aStmt reorganization business. Especially in the special ones, the author raises and discusses that trustee’s rights to defense set off and recall rights are also their special authority in business protection. In the above discussion, based on the drawing-up "People’s Republic of China Bankruptcy and Reorganization Law"(draft), the author comments on the legislation of reorganization of China and makes some legislative suggestion.Part IV: Protection and prohibition of creditor’s rights. This Part is composed of two parts, protection and prohibition of creditors’ rights. In these two parts, the author relatively discusses from the substantive and procedural aspects of reorganization legislation. Then the author expounds the protection of protecting business system during reorganization period to common creditor, special creditor, secured creditor and creditor of common benefit. During the period of concrete discussion, the author also give some comment and makes legislative suggestion.PartV:Precedence of reorganization procedure. Precedence of reorganization procedure is the unique and important contain of reorganization system. Firstly, the author introduces the concrete reflection of precedence of reorganization in protecting business during reorganization period, including reorganization procedure proceeding bankruptcy procedure and conciliation procedure, and reorganization procedure proceeding civil enforcement procedure. After introducing doctrine of automatic stay and doctrine ofdecreeing stay, the author also gives some comment and makes some legislative suggestion.Summary combined with China’s current situation, the author comments on the drawing-up draft and at last makes some suggestion to judicial practice of China’s protecting business during reorganization period.

  • 【分类号】D922.29
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】107

