

On Untypical Joint and Several Liability

【作者】 王庆岭

【导师】 林刚;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 不真正连带债务是大陆法系国家普遍承认的一种多数人债务。这种多数人债务与连带债务抑或按份债务均有很大差异。该项制度在大陆法系国家已有数百年历史,日趋成熟,被广泛适用,理论界与实务界对之均高度重视。但是我国民法学界对该项制度的研究较少,实务界对其较为生疏,有些司法人员甚至不知晓有该项制度。本文从法学角度出发,紧密联系实际,对不真正连带债务进行较为系统的研究,并提出我国应该建立不真正连带债务制度,以适应当前司法实践,同时也希冀学术界对这一制度加以关注。 本文除前言外,共约4,6000字。本文正文分为六个部分: 第一部分:对一则案例的思考。本部分从一则较有影响的案例入手,指出了该案例判决的不妥之处,并指出其错误根源之一在于不熟悉不真正连带债务理论,从而为文章后面对不真正连带债务的分析提供了铺垫。 第二部分:不真正连带债务制度的历史考察。不真正连带债务制度起源于罗马法,最早产生于德国并为该国普遍接受。后为法国、日本等大陆法系国家或地区所效仿,我国台湾地区则不仅在判例中采用不真正连带债务理论,而且在立法中进行了有益尝试。 第三部分:不真正连带债务的内涵考察。关于不真正连带债务的定义、观点纷呈,莫衷一是。笔者在对各种定义进行分析与检讨的基础上,提出了自己的观点。不真正连带债务本质是由广义请求权竞合而形成的一种多数人债务。这一本质与定义决定了其构成要件。在明确这些构成要件的基础上,本文对不真正连带债务与相关概念之关系进行了分析。 第四部分:不真正连带债务的外延考察。针对现有学说的弊端,本文从多个角度对不真正连带债务进行分类。除了从传统角度进行分类之外,还从有无终局责任人,债务标的额是否完全相同等角度进行了考察。 第五部分:不真正连带债务的效力。不真正连带债务的效力分为外部效力与内部效力,其中外部效力又分为对债权人的效力、有涉他效力事项、无涉他效力事项等内容,内部效力主要涉及求偿权问题。 第六部分:我国应建立不真正连带债务制度(代结束语)。我国司法实践部门面对广义请求权竞合的案件无所适从,而不真正连带债务具有诸多法律价值,我国司法也在自觉不自觉地进行这方面的尝试。我国有些法律条文中也颇有不真正连带债务的意味。故而我国有必要而且也有可能建立不真正连带债务制度。

【Abstract】 According to traditional views, majority debt only includes several debt and joint debt. But there is still another kind ofmajority debt-unechte gesmtschuld which is different from jointdebt in spite of some similar points. In view of its many legal values, we should establish the system so as to balance the interests of each person concerned.In Part I a mistaken sentence of a typical civil ease is analyzed. The reason why the case was made a mistaken is that the judges have no knowledge of the untypical joint and several liability. It is the reason why the article has been written.In Part II the history of untypical joint and several liability is studied on. It originated from Roman law and was first set forth by Germany, followed by France, Japan and so on.In Part III the connotation of untypical joint and several liability is studied on . The definitions about it vary from person to person. On the ground from the analysis of almost all ones I make a new definition in order to reflect the conception correctly. The part also talks about the comparison of the conception and joint and several liability, and other kind of liabilities.In Part IV the exnotation of untypical joint and several liability is studied on . different from the traditional theory classifying the kind of liability only in one angle, the article does in three angles.In Part V the effect of the kind of liability is tacked on, which concludes external effect and inferior one is relatively.In Part VI I suggest the system of untypical joint and several liability should be founded in our country. It is not only possible but also necessary.

  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】333

