

【作者】 高德道

【导师】 谢佑平;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 诉讼法学, 2002, 硕士


【摘要】 审级制度是诉讼制度的重要组成部分,是法院制度的支柱性制度。作者以刑事司法为范例,以审级制度的功能为视角,通过对国外审级制度的宏观考察和对我国审级制度的审视,就我国现行审级制度的改革提出了初步的建设性设想。 本文分为四部分,约有四万三千字。 第一部分为审级制度基本理论问题。作者首先对审级制度的概念和内容进行了界定,并在此基础上提出审级制度具有法院特有性、显著独立性以及宏观与微观相结合的特征。其次,对审级制度的功能进行了剖析。认为审级制度具有防错纠错、加强法院裁判权威性、减轻下审级法官责任负荷、加强法律统一适用的正功能和降低诉讼效率的负功能,并对审级制度诸项功能间的一致性、冲突以及如何实现诸功能间的平衡进行了阐释。最后,对审级制度的理论基础进行了追寻,认为审级制度的哲理基础是能动反映的“认识论”。 第二部分为国外审级制度的考察与评价。文章通过对西方主要国家的审级制度的考证,总结分析了不同诉讼模式下审级制度的差异与共同之处,并以功能平衡为标准对此进行评价。作者认为西方各国以“审判独立”为理念的法院设置的制度、两审终审与三审终审相结合的多层次审级制度、由高审级法院只针对法律适用问题进行审查的制度很好的实现了审级制度功能间的平衡,适合现代司法的要求,值得我国借鉴。 第三部分为中国审级制度的历史发展与现状。作者首先对中国审级制度的历史沿革进行了考察。其次,分别从审级制度本身以及与审级制度相关的几项制度对现行审级制度进行了剖析。认为现行审级制度既未能保证实体公正、程序公正的实现,也不具有真正的“高效率”,而且影响了相关制度的健全和完善。现行审级制度已不适应中国目前的经济发展水平和现代司法的要求,需要改革和完善。 第四部分为审级制度的改革。文章主要从三个方面进行论述。首先,对我国审级制度改革的目标进行了定位,认为审级制度改革应以审判独立为基本目标和基本支柱,以实现审级制度诸功能的平衡为首要目标。其次,对审级制度改革的具体方案进行了设计,认为应当打破现行法院组织体系跨行政区设置法院,并针对不同案件实行有条件的四级三审终审制。最后,对审级制度改革的配套措施进行了探讨,认为应当改变现行级别管辖制度、取消内部请示制度、改革再审程序并完善错案追究等制度,使他们与审级制度的改革相适应。

【Abstract】 Trial grade system is an important part of action system and the supporting system of court system. Making the criminal judicature for example. The author puts forward some constructive suggestions on the reform of trial grade system in China in the angle of the function of trial trade system after an analysis of trial grade system in foreign countries.The dissertation is about 47, OOOwords, consisting of four parts.Part One is the basic theory of trial grade system. Firstly, the author makes a definition of trial grade system. On the basis of he definition, the author puts forward that trial grade system is peculiar in court, independent and a combination o microscope and microcosm. Secondly, the author makes an analysis of the function of trial grade system, holding that trial grade system has the positive function. It corrects the faulty, increases the unity of law. It also has the negative function: reducing efficiency. The author also makes an elaboration of the balance of these functions. Lastly, the author seeks the theory basis of trial grade system, holding that the philosophic theory basis of trial grade system is the theory of knowledge.Part Two is an analysis and evaluation of trial grade system. The author makes textual criticism of trial grade system in foreign countries, pointing out the differences and identities of trial grade system in different action modes. The author makes an evaluation of the trial grade,system in the standard of function balance. The author holds that the mutual level trial grade system on western countries which is the combination of the second instance being that final instance and the third instance as the final realizes well the balance of the function of trial grade system. Theexperience of trial grade system in these countries should be used for reference in China.Part Three is about the history and current situation of trial grade system in China. Firstly, the author makes an approach to the history of trial grade system in China. Secondly, the author makes an analysis of the current system can not guarantee substantive justice, procedural justice and realize "high efficiency". The author also holds that the current system is not applicable to the economic development and mode criminal procedure and should be reformed.Part Four is about the reforms.of trial grade system. Firstly, the author puts forward the objectives of trial grade system reform, holding that the basis objective and pillar of the reform is the adduction independence and the first objective is the balance of functions. Secondly, the author makes a design of trial grade reforms, holding that the current court system, which is set across administrative districts, should be reformed. The author thinks that the system of the third instance as the final can be set conditionally. Lastly, the author makes an approach to the supplementary system of trial grade system reforms, holding that the current grade jurisdiction system should be reformed and inside instruction system should be abolished.

  • 【分类号】D916.2
  • 【下载频次】415

