

【作者】 孔卫新

【导师】 雷震;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 诉讼法学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 在举步维艰的侦查阶段的改革过程中,检警关系引起众多学者的关注和思考。检警关系实质上涉及到刑事侦查权和公诉权的配置和行使问题,它直接关系着刑事审判前程序,决定侦查和公诉采取的模式,并将影响和制约审判程序和审判结果,最终对刑罚权的实现产生深远影响,具有重要的理论研究价值。我国现行法律规定的检警关系不顺畅,存在某些错位和缺陷,导致侦查监督不力、控诉效率低下等问题。理顺检警关系,合理配置侦查权和公诉权已经成为我国刑事诉讼中亟待解决的课题。故此,本文就刑事诉讼检警关系问题进行探讨,首先对检警关系蕴涵的理论基础进行考察,再用比较的方法介绍其他国家的检警关系和形成的根源,最后分析我国当前检警关系的缺陷以及改革的必要性和方向,并提出建设性的改革方案,以资有益于立法和实践。 本文分为四个部分,共约四万余字。 在引论中,笔者首先通过分析检警关系的外在形式和内在实质,界定刑事诉讼检警关系的涵义,然后指出研究检警关系的重要意义。文中指出,刑事诉讼检警关系就是指检察机关和警察机关通过依职权对案件的介入,因角色、职责范围、权力配置及其属性等方面的不同,在案件的推进过程中彼此之间所结成的以权力、义务为内容的程序法律关系。 第一部分是检警关系的理论基石。该部分指出检警关系的形成与相应的刑事诉讼结构、刑事诉讼职能划分、刑事诉讼价值等有着密切联系。如在三角结构下,侦查和公诉同属控方,侦查权和公诉权具有一致性,于是检警机关齐心协力,形成合力;同时,侦查权隶属于公诉权,具有辅助性,检查机关居于控诉方的核心地位。所以,三角结构内在要求检警形成“检主警辅”的一体化模式。 第二部分是不同法系国家检警关系概论。文章分别对大陆法系中的法国、德国、日本、意大利和英、美法系中的英国、美国的检警关系进行简要介绍和评析,揭示出不同检警制度的利弊。 第三部分是我国刑事诉讼检警关系及完善。文章首先阐述我国检警关系的现状是“分工负责、互相配合、互相制约”,并对这种检警关系的特点进行剖析,指出的检警现状存在诸多缺陷和完善的必要性。在借鉴国外检警关系成功经验的基础上,主张检警关系的改革目标是实行检警一体化。这种检警一体化仅仅是业务上的一体化,不包括组织机构的一体化。接着建议调整“分工负责、互相配合、互相制约”原则,提出构建“赠一体化”的具体设想,建议检察机关对酸机关拥有一定程度上的管人权和管事权,并建立保障“检警一体化”顺利施行的配套措施,促使检警关系日趋合理。

【Abstract】 With the reform of the investigation procedure, the police and procurator relationship attracts more attention. It substantially concerns arraignment between investigation power and pubic prosecution power in state. The relationship affects, for instance, the procedure of investigation, the procedure of prosecution and trial, etc. Furthermore, there are some flaws in the police and procurator relationship in our country, which brings unreasonable tension between police and procurator, huge investigation powers of the state and so on. It is necessary to study it carefully by comparing this the police and procurator relationship of other states. In order to keep pace with the proposed reform in criminal proceedings in present China, the author advises that the relationship between police and procurator should be properly coordinated and reasonably consolidated.This thesis consists of following four parts, which is about 40000 words.The preface of this thesis explores the meaning of the police and procurator relationship and its importance in criminal procedure. When police and procurator intervene in criminal cases, the police and procurator relationship gradually takes shape and reflects allocation of powers and obligation of police and procurator. In a word, the police and procurator relationship naturally belongs to legal relations of procedure.Part one introduces the theoretic basis of the police and procurator relationship. Criminal procedure construction, function of action and value of procedure have deep influence upon it. For example, with triangle construction of criminal procedure police and procurator have same goal and should be consolidated. Furthermore, the floor of procurator is higher than of police.Part two makes an introduction and analysis of police and procurator’s relationship designed in other country. The article also disposes advantage and disadvantage of different relationship models by comparing ’the relationship of France, Germany, Italian, Japan, United Kingdom and United States.Part three points out present police and procurator relationship of our country and reformatory measures. Due to the flaws of this relationship, police and procurator should be properly coordinated and reasonably consolidated. In addition, the concept of integrating police and procurator is strongly opposed, which is different from concept of consolidating police and procurator’s business. At the last, the author has conceived and put forward series of concrete measures for reforming the police and procurator relationship.

  • 【分类号】D915.3
  • 【下载频次】234

