

【作者】 罗曼丽

【导师】 汪世虎;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 民商法学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 《中华人民共和国票据法》制定于1995年,《票据法》的实施对我国的商品流通及市场经济的完善起到了很大的作用,功不可没。但由于制定的当时,中国市场经济体制刚刚建立、市场发育还很不完善。随着经济的发展、经济活动的复杂化,《票据法》的不足之处也突显出来。在票据代理法律制度上,则显得条文过于简略,不具有可操作性。本文在比较日内瓦票据法及英美票据法制度的基础上,对票据的出票、背书、保证、承兑及付款各票据行为的代理制度进行了理论剖析,论证了票据代理人的行为能力、代理权限、有权代理的构成要件、无权代理的法律后果等票据代理的特殊性,并对我国《票据法》有关票据代理制度的修Z女提出了立法建议,以期适应经济的发展,为票据代理的法律实践提供指导并为解决此类纠纷提供切实可行的方案。 全文共分八个部分约54,000字。 第一部分分析论证了“票据代理行为的本质”,为下文的论述奠定了理论基础。文中指出,票据代理行为既是民事法律行为同时又是票据行为,使下文中“票据有效代理的构成要件”水到渠成。 第二部分分析了“票据代理与一般民事代理的关系”,以突出票据代理不同于一般民事代理的特殊性,从而表明了研究票据代理的必要性。 第三部分从“代理”与“代行”的关系入手详细考查了对票据代理人行为能力的要求。指出:由于票据代理行为是一种准代理行为,因此,票据代理人以限制行为能力为已足,而不必是完全行为能力人。 第四部分在借鉴英美代理法理论中有关代理权限研究成果的基础上,论证了代理权的来源及确定代理权限范围的方法。为下文中“票据有效代理”及“票据无权代理及其法律后果”的论述埋下伏笔。 第五部分在上文的基础上论述了“票据有效代理的构成要件”及“票据自己代理及双方代理的效力”。特别指出,票据有效代理的构成要件应同时符合民事法律行为的构成要件及票据代理书面记载的要求且有代理权才能产生有效代理的法律效力。关于票据自己代理及双方代理,文章指出,票据自己代理及双方代理完全合法有效,没有禁止的必要。 第六部分旨在论述“票据无权代理及其法律后果”。本部分包括三个方面:“票据狭义无洲理”,“票据越洲理”及“票舱见代理”。文章就无帆理的三个分类分别贼,提出了各自的概念、构成要脓法律后果。 第七部忖析了“票据无帆理”与“票据伪造”的关系;为复杂的法律实践提供切实可行的解决方案。 第八部分在前文的基础上提出了完善我国票据代理法律制度的立法建议,包括我国票据代理制度的立法现状、完善我国票据代理制度的基本指导思想及应完善的具体内容。

【Abstract】 《Law of the People’s Republic of China on Negotiable Instruments》 was made in 1995. It has brought much good effect to the commodities circulation and perfection of Market Economy system in the past years in China. That is well known. But because in 1995 the Market economy system was just established, it was not so perfect as it is now. With the economic activities flourishing and complex, the imperfection of this law has been showing up. As for agency system of negotiable instrument, the article is very simple and difficult to operate. In this essay the agency systems of Issue, Endorsement, Acceptance, Guaranty and payment are deep analyzed with the writing method of comparision. At thesame time the agents’ capacity, agency power confines, components of effective agency and the legal effect of no-authorized agency are discussed as well as the legislation suggestion about Negotiable Instrument Agency System of our country in order to direct law practice and to give a method to solve the conflicts of activities of negotiable instrument agency.This artide is divided into 8 parts with about 54,000 words.The first part is on "the inherent qualities of negotiable instrument agency". It’s the basic theory for the following. It’s said that negotiable instrument agency is both civil law act and act involving negotiable instrument. Therefore, this part makes the following go forward smoothly.The second part talks about the differences of agency systems between general civil agency and negotiable instrument agency to show the importance to study negotiable instrument agency.The third part probes the capacity of agents involving negotiable instrument to find out that limited capacity is neened for agents and if s not needed for them to be capacity.The fourth part offers the origin of agency power and the way to decide the confines of agency power. Then the next part, that is to say, the fifth part, discusses the components of effective agency involving negotiable instrument and says that the effect of self-agency and bilateral agency are completely effective and lawful in negotiable instrument agency.The sixth part defines what is no-authorized agency about negotiable instrument. It’s divided into 3 small parts. These are : "no-authorized agency in narrow sense involving negotiable instrument" , "agency beyond authorization about negotiable instrument" and "agency by estoppel about negotiable instrument" .The seventh part expounds the relationship between no-authorized agency and negotiable instrument forgery to give the method for agency practice in economic activities.The last part puts out the legislation suggestion about agency involving negotiable instrument with three ideas: existing present legislation about negotiable instrument agency, the direct idea to perfect the agency system and theconcrete contents which should be perfect in future.

  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】311

