

【作者】 杨晓龙

【导师】 何泽宏;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 刑法学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 1997年刑法第20条第3款赋予了正当防卫制度以崭新的内容,其所确立的特殊制度自设立之始就成为理论争议的焦点。对其进行研究,无论是在理论上还是在司法实践中都有重要意义。 本文以纵向研究与横向研究相结合,从刑法理论与司法两个角度出发,对特殊防卫制度的立法沿革、立法价值、概念与特征,构成要件等各方面进行了较深层次的系统研究。文章在把握整个特殊防卫制度理论体系完整性的基础上,注重对刑法理论与司法实践争议大的问题进行考察,同时适当介绍国外相立法,并与我国刑法规定进行比较。希望以此对特殊防制度的研究与实践均有所推动。全文分为五章,共约六万三千余字。 第一章,回顾了防卫权演变的历史进程;介绍了我国特殊防卫制度设立的立法背景及历程;从宏观方面对刑法第20条第3款与整个正当防卫制度的协调问题以及其设定的立法价值进行评判,指出特殊防卫制度在一定时期具有司法指导意义。 第二章,界定了特殊防卫的概念,指出特殊防卫是指公民为了使本人或他人的人身安全免受正在进行的行凶、杀人、抢劫、强奸、绑架以及其他严重危及人身安全的暴力犯罪的侵害,针对侵害人人身所采取的即使是造成暴力犯罪人伤亡的防卫行为,也享受不承担任何刑事责任的一种权利。其除了具有正当防卫权的共同特征以外,还具有自己特有的属性,即法益保护的单一性,防卫行为指向的特定性,防卫强度的无限性以及防卫前提的限制性。 第三章,在剖析理论界对特殊防卫构成的不同观点的基础上,详尽地分析和探讨了特殊防卫的构成要件。其构成:(1)前提条件——存在行凶、杀人、抢劫、强奸、绑架以及其他严重危及人身安全的暴力犯罪;(2)时间条件——暴力犯罪正在进行;(3)对象条件——特殊防卫只能针对暴力犯罪者本人实施;(4)特殊防卫意图,其作为特殊防卫行为的主观要件,对特殊防卫的成立具有十分重要意义。该章特别对内涵模糊,理论界争议较大的“行凶”一词进行了较为深入的探讨。 第四章,从微观层面探讨了实践中欠缺特殊防卫构成要件的行为的形态及处断原则问题。具体分为:(1)欠缺特殊防卫前提条件的行为——假想特殊防卫。*)欠蹦殊防卫时间抓的行为。门)欠蛐殊防卫对象条件的行为。N)欠蹦殊防卫意图的行为。 第五章,撕与探讨了特殊防卫与人民酸执行职绒为的关系;指出了特殊防卫与一般防卫的区别与联系;同时也介绍了国外特别是英美法系国家关于特殊防卫制度的立法,并与我国刑法规定相比较,指出应当借鉴其合理之处。

【Abstract】 The system of special defense, which has been the focus of controversy Since establishment was stipulated by Criminal Law 1997.There are important meanings to research this system either in academic of practical field. This thesis, from the Prospects of criminal jurisprudence and judicial practice probes into the history, value of the legislation, concept characters and constitution of the special defense .At the same time, on the basis of the integration of all the special defense system. The paper introduces related legislation in other countries, and points out the differences by comparison the internal legislation .By this paper, the another hopes to promote the development of the research and practice related to special defense. The thesis is divided into five chapters and about sixty- three thousand words.Chapter I retrospect to the history of special defense, and introduces the background and the process of the legislation and the process of the legislation of special defense. This part probes into the coordination of the third clause of article 20 in criminal Law and the system of justified defense, gives remarks of the vale of special defense, and points out that in some time the system of special defense will still contribute some instruction meanings to judicial practice.Chapter n special defines the special defense as the defense acts. Against an on -gong assault, murder, robbery, rape, kidnap and the other any crime of violence that seriously endangers his personal safety, causing injury or death to the perpetrator of the unlawful acts. This part also maintain that beside the characters of justified defense, there are still special characters of special defense.Chapter HI on the ground of the analysis of different opinions over the constitution of special defense, analyses and probes into the constitution of special defense in details which includes premise condition, time condition, object condition as well as subject condition, This part especially probes into the intension of the word of assault which brings about huge controversy.Chapter IV inquires into the defense acts lack of constitution of special defense, which includes defense acts lack of premise condition, defense acts lack of time condition, defense acts lack of subject condition as well as defense acts lack of defense attempt.Chapter V analyses the professional acts carried out by police, and point out the differences and relations between special defense and justified defense. The paper, at the same times, introduces some external legislation about special.Defense, especially the legislation in common law family, and point out the rational places which merit our reference, in compare with internal criminal legislation.

  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【下载频次】242

