

A Preliminary Study on Coping Styles of Junior Middle School Students from Higher and Lower Social Support Families

【作者】 朱卫红

【导师】 黄希庭;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究的目的是编制一份适合于我国初中生家庭教育现状的“家庭社会支持问卷”,了解不同社会支持(高社会支持、低社会支持)家庭初中生应对方式的特点。 根据心理测验编制原则,通过开放式问卷及访谈、拟编题项、预试、项目分析等步骤,编定家庭社会支持问卷。用该问卷与黄希庭等人编的《中学生应对方式量表》对整群抽取的5所中学的初中生(572名)进行调查,将其中的高社会支持家庭和低社会支持家庭学生挑出来进行分析。结果表明: (1)自编的家庭社会支持问卷具有较好的信度和一定的效度,因素分析表明家庭社会支持可分为5个因素:物质支持、生活信息支持、教养氛围支持、情感支持、人际支持。 (2)高社会支持家庭学生较多采取问题解决、求助等应对方式,低社会支持家庭学生较多采取幻想、忍耐等应对方式。 (3)在完整家庭中,高社会支持学生多采取问题解决应对方式,低社会支持学生多采取幻想、忍耐应对方式。 (4)在离异家庭中,高社会支持学生多采取问题解决、求助应对方式,低社会支持学生多采取幻想应对方式。

【Abstract】 This study aims to invent the Family Social Support Questionnaire (FSSQ) which is suited to current junior middle school students’ family education, and to explore characteristics existing in coping styles of junior middle school students from two types of social support families (higher social support families and lower social support families).According to the rules of compiling psychological tests, through open-ended questionnaires and interview, topic editing, scale pretesting, topic analyzing etc. We made the FSSQ and integrated it with the Coping Style Scale of Middle School Students (CSSMSS) made by Prof. Huang Xiting, we researched on 572 junior middle school students from five schools, among whom 286 junior middle school students from higher and lower social support families were involved in the analysis. The results are as follows:1. The self-made questionnaire is of good reliability and some validity. Through factor analysis, 5 factors were gained: material support, living information support, education atmosphere support, emotion support and relationships support2. Students from higher social support families used more frequently problem-solving and help-seeking coping styles but less fantasy and tolerance styles than those from lower social support families.3. In complete families, students from higher social support families used more frequently problem-solving coping style but less fantasy and tolerance styles than those from lower social support families.4. In divorced families, students from higher social support families used more frequently problem-solving and help-seeking coping styles but less fantasy style than those from lower social support families

  • 【分类号】G635.5
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】341

