

Initiatory a Discussion of Opening-ended Problem and Research into Teaching Approaches in Junior Middle School

【作者】 黄群芳

【导师】 张广祥;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 学科教学论, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 当前初中数学教学中存在着只注重知识传授,而忽略学生独立获取知识能力的培养的弊端;教学内容繁、难、偏、旧;教学过程过份着重机械训练与死记硬背;教学评价采用单一的考试检测方式;这些弊端造成学生学习负担过重,知识面狭窄,缺少创新意识,能力结构单一等缺陷。为了改变当前的教学现状,我们以开放题教学作为一个切入点,进行了探究性教学模式的教学实验探索。本文在阐述探究性教学模式相关理论依据和实践依据的基础上,结合教学实际,提出了初中数学开放题及探究性教学模式的四种教学策略:创设情境 导入课题;观察归纳 猜想结论;上升分析 推理论证;拓展反思 积极评价。 本实验结果表明:初中数学开放题及探究性教学模式实验对于提高学生的独立分析问题与解决问题的能力,对于培养学生的创新意识与创新能力具有特别重要的作用。该实验能大面积提高学生的数学学习成绩,同时对其他学科的学习也能产生正迁移,并能有效地激发学生的学习兴趣,改善学习方法,从而明显地减轻学生的学习负担。

【Abstract】 Contemporary mathematic education in junior middle school is characterized by the following: focusing only on the instruction of knowledge and ignoring to foster the students’ competence to acquire the knowledge independently; the teaching content is complex, difficult, less relevant and outdated; concentrate too much on the routine excises and mere memorization; the way of instruction evaluation is the only tests and examinations. All the above disadvantages come to the consequences that students are over-burdened, narrow scope of knowledge, lack of creativeness and simplified knowledge structure. In order to alter the current instruction situations, based on the approach of opening-ended problems, we conduct the experiment on the research into teaching methods and approaches. According to the instruction practice, this thesis, based on the elaboration of the relevant theoretical and practical evidences of the research into teaching approaches, proposes the four teaching strategies in the teaching approaches: introducing the teaching theme by creating certain context; observation and inducement, hypothesis and conclusion; deepening analysis, reasoning and demonstration; broadening reconsideration and positive evaluation.The result of this experiment shows that the opening-ended problems and the research into the teaching approaches can enhance the students’ ability of analyzing and solving problems independently, and have an important effect on constructing their consciousness and ability of creation. This experiment also can improve students’ mathematic grades in a large scale, generate a positive transfer for other subjects, motivate their learning interests and consummate their learning methods so as to obviously relieve their burden.

  • 【分类号】G634.6
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】402

