

Study on the Bolting Tolerance in Chinese Cabbage and Its Identification

【作者】 惠麦侠

【导师】 巩振辉; 张鲁刚;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 蔬菜学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 为了解决春大白菜生产中存在的未熟抽薹问题,开展了大白菜耐抽薹性及其鉴定方法的研究。 以6个抽薹性不同的大白菜品种为试材,研究了人工春化温度、春化时间及光周期对花芽分化、抽薹、开花的影响及花芽分化过程中,可溶性蛋白质含量POD活性变化。分析了与耐抽薹性有关的形态和生理指标,建立了快速、简便的耐抽薹性鉴定方法,取得的主要研究结果如下: 大白菜经种子春化处理后表现出,3~9℃的处理下,发育时间早,发育速度快,11℃下大白菜种子也可以通过春化,但春化所需时间相对延长。在低温处理的基础上,长日条件对植株的花芽分化和抽薹过程均有促进效应,但较春化温度的影响小。 耐抽薹性不同的大白菜品种在花芽分化和抽薹上存在着很大的遗传差异性,春化17天时,所有的处理温度均不能使耐抽薹性强的材料的植株引起抽薹;在11℃下春化时间达到30d时,耐抽薹性强的材料也不能发生抽薹。耐抽薹性强大白菜品种表现出花芽分化开始晚,而且发育速度极慢的特性。 通过对低温诱导花芽分化温度、诱导持续时间及诱导后花芽生长温度的研究,初步选定在7℃下低温诱导20d,而后转入昼温/夜温为25℃/18℃环境下生长,第38天统计花芽分化级数,计算花芽分化指数,为鉴别大白菜耐抽薹性适宜选择压力。 通过相关分析表明,在标准条件下,花芽分化临界期、显蕾始期、抽薹始期、开花始期、播种后第38天各品种薹高和花芽分化指数与耐抽薹性显著相关。可依据这些性状鉴定和评价大白菜的耐抽薹性。综合分析认为花芽分化指数、薹高只需调查一次,具有简便、快速、可靠等优点。 春化处理20天大白菜幼芽中可溶性蛋白质的含量可做为耐抽薹性鉴定的一项参考生理指标。耐抽薹性强的品种中可溶性蛋白质含量低于耐抽薹性弱的品种中的可溶性蛋白质含量。 大白菜的花芽形态分化过程可分为花原基未分化期、花原基预分化期、花原基分化始期、萼片分化期、雄蕊和雌蕊分化期、花瓣分化期6个时期。主枝花芽先分化而侧花后分化。

【Abstract】 In order to solve the problem of premature bolting that exists in spring Chinese cabbage production. The certified method of bolting tolerance in Chinese cabbage was studied.Six Chinese cabbage cultivars were studied for the effect of temperature and photoperiod on flower bud differentiation and bolting and the changes of the soluble protein contents and peroxidases activity during flower bud differentiation. The relation between their morphology indexes and bolting tolerance were analyzed with these cultivars.The main results as shows as follows:The Chinese cabbage went to sex development earlier and fast after seed vernalized under the treatment of 3~9℃. At 11℃, Chinese cabbage can be vernalized, but relatively longer time of vernalization is needed.There is an inheritant difference of flower initiation and bolting among Chinese cabbage varieties which bolting dates are different. After treated with vernalization 17 days, plant can not bolting at 3~9℃, when plants are vernalized at 11 ℃ for 30 days, late bolting cultivar can not bolting. The late bolting Chinese cabbage presents the character of late differentiation of bud and the slowest development.With the index of flower bud differentation at 7℃ for 20 days was easy to tell the different bolting tolerance of cabbages clearly. Therefore keeping seed at 7℃ for 20 days was opeimum for testing the bolting tolerance of Chinese cabbage.The correlation analyses among the data of fiowere bud differentiation critical days, flowral initiation days, bolting days, flowering days, stem length flower bud differentiation index and bolting tolerance showed that the six morphyology indexes had a significant correlation with bolting tolerance. Therefore they all could be used as a identificated and evaluated methods for bolting tolerance.Flower bud differentiation index and stem length could identificate varieties bolting tolerant degree accurately and quickly than other.The soluble protein contents in Chinese cabbage seedling with vernalization treatment for 20 days were suggested to be physiology index for the evalation of bolting tolerance. The soluble protein contents of high bolting-tolerant genotype was lower than those of poor bolting-tolerant genotype.The developing process of the flower bud differentiation of Chinese cabbage is divided into six stages, no differentitation phase, prepared differentiation phase, flower bud initiation, sepal differentiation phase, stamen differentiation phase and pistil differentiation phase, petal differentiation phase.The top flower of the inflorescence differentiated earlier than lateral flower.

  • 【分类号】S634.1
  • 【被引频次】23
  • 【下载频次】481

