

Application of Aesthetics to Chinese-Teaching in High Schools

【作者】 陈琳

【导师】 王本朝;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 学科教学论, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 中学语文教学的“少慢差费”,素质教育的难以实施,引起了人们的关注与思考。切实提高语文教学效率,全面实施语文素质教育,改进中学语文教学方法,是摆在新世纪广大语文教学工作者面前最为紧迫的任务。本文首先分析了当前中学语文教学现状,指出当前中学语文教学存在的“应试教育色彩浓,教学方法、教学过程僵化,教学效果差强人意”等问题,分析指出问题关键出在教学观念,对语文学科的性质模糊不清,导致人文因素流失;忽视了学生的身心发展特点,把学生变成了语言知识的“研究员”、“解题机”;尤其忽略了美学因素在语文教学中的应用和实践,导致教学方法日趋僵化,学生逐渐失去语文学习的积极性,影响了教学效果。在此基础上,进而阐述了实施中学语文审美化教学的可能,即教学目的、对象需要美,教学内容存在美,教学过程体现美:指出中学语文学科实施审美化教学的迫切性和必然性。 论文第二部分主要从中学语文课堂教学、课外活动的角度论述了实施中学语文审美化教学的途径。备课是审美的挖掘过程,需要充分研究中学生审美心理、审美经验、审美需求;应从教材里提炼美,选择合适的教学手段,为上好一堂审美课打下坚实的基础。其次,上课是激发美、传输美。组织教学中,开讲艺术不可忽视,要符合一定的美学原理;创设优美的课堂气氛,保障课堂教学美感的诱发;教师要动情,创设情境、挖掘内涵、用美的教学语言去传情和激情。第三,课外活动是美的延伸。语文教师要注意开展形式多样、针对性强的课外活动,鼓励学生独立解决问题,增强自主性,让学生体验到学习成功的欢乐,从而激活学习语文的乐趣,培养审美情趣和审美能力。 论文第三部分总结归纳了中学语文审美化教学的特点,指出实施中学语文审美化教学的意义。中学语文审美化教学具有审美情境性、互动与交流性、针对性、渗透性等鲜明特点。语文教师借助教学内容、方法的形象性,创设各种审美情境,调动学生情绪, 使之身临其境,受到美的感染和熏陶。因此,中学语文审美化教学具有审美情境性特点。 教师和学生以教材为中介,形成互动的审美关系,师生间通过错综复杂、密集不断的信 息交际,形成一种和谐的双向交流关系,使师生间的主客体地位顺利转化,因而具有互 动和交流特点。中学语文审美化教学需要根据中学生身心发展特点,语文教材特点进行 审美教学活动,因而具有教学的针对性特点。中学语文审美化教学,应追求德、智、美,三育的有机统一,相互渗透,而拥有渗透性特点。了解和掌握这些特点,能够更有效地 开展中学语文的审美化教学。在大力推进素质教育的今天,实施中学语文审美化教学具 有积极的现实意义。它是一种“动之以情”的美感熏陶式教学,能激发学生学习兴趣, 提高学习效率,促进学生智能发展,培养学生审美感受力、鉴赏力和创造力。中学语文 审美化教学为中学语文教学实践开辟了一片新天地,为长期围绕语文界的老问题即“怎 么教”提供了一条新思路,是语文教学改革中的一项重要内容,对实施完整意义上的素 质教育具有重要而迫切的现实意义。

【Abstract】 In regard to Chinese-teaching in high schools, low efficiency has long been a perplexing problem which directly hinders the implementation of quality education. In the new era, on the shoulders of teachers of Chinese lay the urgent task of raising teaching efficiency, implementing quality education and bettering teaching method.This thesis is composed of three parts.Part One provides an analysis of current situation of Chinese-teaching in high schools, pointing out three major problems, namely, excessive emphasis on exam marks, rigid teaching method and low teaching efficiency. The reason lies in the outdated educational concept: Lack of adequate understanding of the subject results in the loss of humanistic elements in Chinese-teaching; ignorance of students’ physical and mental characteristics turns students into "linguistic researchers" and "problem-solving machines;" in particular, neglect of the role of aesthetics hi teaching leads to a rigid teaching method which destroys students’ interest in learning and reduces the teaching efficiency. In terms of these problems, the thesis expounds thepossibility of applying aesthetics to Chinese-teaching from three perspectives------theneed of aesthetics in teaching aim and for its receivers, aesthetics in the contents of the subject and its demonstration in the teaching process. Therefore, it is urgent and inexorable to implement aesthetics in Chinese-teaching.Part Two explores the possible way to implementing aesthetics in Chinese-teaching in both classroom instructions and extracurricular activities. First of all, aesthetics should be excavated in the process of lesson-preparation. The knowledge of students’ mentality, interests and needs is a must for a teacher to extract aesthetics from the teaching materials and then employ suitable teaching method.Additionally, a teacher should trigger students’ echo and transmit aesthetics to the receivers in the teaching process. The conduction of a lesson must conform to certain aesthetics principle, which requires a favorable classroom atmosphere and the teacher’s enthusiasm to stimulate and transmit aesthetics. Finally, extracurricular activities are the extension of aesthetics. Various outside classroom activities help develop students’ ability to solve problems independently and enjoy the pleasure of learning Chinese and cultivate a higher sense of aesthetics.Part Three points out the significance of implementing aesthetics in Chinese-teaching and sums up its four major features: concrete circumstance, mutual exchange, clear accordance and harmonious integration. By concrete circumstance, the teacher, via teaching contents and method, manages to create favorable circumstance to arouse students’ echo and participation so as to exert an edifying influence on them. Mutual exchange lies in the fact that the teacher and the students are always exchanging complex message in their common participation in the teaching and learning process. The application of aesthetics to Chinese-teaching is implemented in accordance with the physical and mental characteristics of the students as well as the aim of the teaching material at introducing rudimentary literary knowledge. By harmonious integration, it means that Chinese-teaching is integrated with the over-all inculcating of morality, knowledge and aesthetics. The knowledge of these features is of great significance for the application of aesthetics to Chinese-teaching, especially at a time when quality education is being given great impetus to. As a kind of "feeling-arousing" teaching, it kindles students’ enthusiasm and interest, improves their learning efficiency, and promotes their intellectual progress, and cultivates their ability to appreciate aesthetics and foster creativity. Furthermore, it opens up the way to a bright future for Chinese-teaching in high schools. Moreover, by offering an experimental method, it puts an end to the problem of how to teach. As an important reform, application of aesthetics to Chinese-teaching is the gold key to the implement

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】450

