

A Study on the Information-literacy Education in Higher Teacher Education Institutions

【作者】 金华宝

【导师】 周鸿;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 振兴民族的希望在教育,振兴教育的希望在教师。社会对教育寄予厚望,必然对教师素质的要求越来越高。今天,人类正在步入一个以信息快速增长为特征的时代。信息日益成为社会各领域中非常重要的因素。信息化已是当今世界经济和社会发展的大趋势。为迎接社会信息化的挑战,培养学生迅速地筛选和获取信息,准确地鉴别信息,创造性地加工和处理信息的能力,与读、写、算一样成为重要的新的终生有用的基础能力。 高等师范院校作为培养教师的摇篮,必须紧扣时代脉搏,采取积极有效措施,为基础教育培养出适应时代和社会发展需要的新型教师。据此,本文在占有大量信息素养教育研究文献的基础上,调查了高师生信息素养的现状,找出存在的问题,并分析了问题的成因。针对问题与原因,提出了高师院校开展信息素养教育的对策构想。 全文共分五个部分。第一、二、三部分从信息素养教育提出的背景、信息素养教育的含义及高师院校开展信息素养教育的必要性等方面探讨了信息素养教育的一般理论与实践意义。第四部分运用分层随机抽样的方法,对重庆市高师院校学生的信息素养现状进行了调查。本次调查采用问卷法与访谈法相结合,从信息知识、信息意识、信息能力、信息道德四个维度进行。调查对象包括专科生、本科生、研究生三个层次。然后,根据定性与定量相结合的原则,运用Spss10.0和Origin5.0对调查结果进行统计分析,找出存在的问题,分析问题的成因。在此基础上,论文的最后提出了加强高师院校信息素养教育的建议:转变观念,提高对信息素养教育重要性的认识;改革和加强高师文献检索课和计算机课教学;调整课程结构,优化教学内容;加强信息素养教育与其它学科领域的整合;建立新型的教与学模式及评价方法。

【Abstract】 The key to vitalize a nation is education, and the key to vitalize education is the teacher. Since the society places great hopes on education, it demands highly the qualification of teachers. Today, we are stepping into an era with characteristics of the rapid growth of information, which is becoming an extremely important factor in many aspects of society. Information has become a worldwide trend of the social and economic development of the whole world. Therefore, in order to meet the challenge of this society, our teachers must shoulder the responsibility for the cultivation of students’ ability to obtain and filter information rapidly, to discriminate kinds of information accurately, and to work on and process information creatively. These abilities are of equal information and lifetime benefit to students as the basic ability to read, write and calculate.As the cradle of teacher training, Higher Teacher Education Institutions should closely throb with pulse of our times, and adopt positive and effective measures to cultivate new teachers required by the needs of the new age and social development. This essay, therefore, based on the reference of abundant research literature on information-literacy education, has investigated the present situation of college or university students’ information literacy, and has found out the existing problems and analyzes the various causes of them. To counter these problems and their cause, this essay has also proposed some tentativecountermeasures to develop information-literacy education in Higher Teacher Education Institutions.This article consists of five parts, the first three of which deal with the theoretic and practical significance of the information-literacy education through discussing the background, conception and necessity of it .The fourth part is an investigation on the state-of-art of the information-literacy education in the Higher Teacher Education Institutions in Chongqing by adopting stratified random sampling. By means of questionnaire survey as well as interview survey, I make the investigation, which involves such four dimensions as the students’ knowledge, consciousness, competence and morality of information literacy. The subjects involve three levels of structure of specialty, undergraduate and postgraduate. Through employing the SPSS 10.0 and ORINGIN5.0 software, I make the statistical analysis of the date so as to find out the problems existing in our information-literacy education and the reasons. Then, the article discusses how to improve it. Firstly, to renew our idea and realize the significance of it. Secondly, to improve the curriculum on literature search and computer. Thirdly, to adjust the curriculum structure and improve the teaching materials. Fourthly, to join the information-literacy education with those of the other subjects. Finally, to set up the new model and assessment for teaching .

  • 【分类号】G650
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】610

