

A Comparative Research on English Syllabus (Revised) & English Curriculum Standard for Basic Education

【作者】 罗忠明

【导师】 徐辉;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 教育学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 在新一轮基础教育课程改革中,基础教育《英语教学大纲》将被基础教育《英语课程标准》代替。对基础教育《英语教学大纲》和基础教育《英语课程标准》进行比较研究,对基础教育英语教学改革有非常重要的意义。 本文第一部分陈述了我国基础教育阶段英语教育现状、《标准》制定的背景以及对《大纲》和《标准》进行比较研究的目的与意义。 本文第二部分分析了《大纲》与《标准》的异同。在联系方面,《大纲》和《标准》都是在现代教育理论的指导下,关注全体学生的全面发展和终身发展,结合当今世界的时代特征和我国国情,突出了英语的重要地位。它们吸收和借鉴了先进的语言教学思想和教学方法,指导中小学英语教学,其目的是促进素质教育的实施。与《大纲》相比,《标准》突出的特点是它的创新性。《标准》在定位上、课程功能、课程目标、课程资源的开发、教学评价等方面都富有新意。 本文第三、四部分结合自身教学实践,进行了“合作学习”的教改实验和《英语课程标准》的教师适应性研究,证明了“合作学习”注重学生学习英语的心理素质,使兴趣、动机、成功感相互促进,“合作学习”能提高学生的主体意识,增强学生合作的意识,提高学生合作的技巧,提高学生的英语成绩和运用英语进行交际的能力;《英语课程标准》的教师适应性研究表明教师在教学观念、课程目标、新教材的使用等方面已经适应了《标准》的要求,但教师在教育学、心理学知识和科研能力等方面还不适应《标准》的要求。 本文第五部分是全文的结论。《标准》体现了“英语课程的目标是提高我国国民的素质”的思想。《标准》宏观规划英语课程建设,整体设计小学、初中、高中英语课程。《标准》不仅注重知识和技能目标,而且更加关注学生的学习过程、方法、情感、态度与价值观,完善了英语课程的功能。《标准》的课程目标是培养学生综合语言的运用能力,它的形成是建立在学生语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等素养整体发展的基础上。《标准》将改变教师的教学方式和学生的学习方式。《标准》为教材编写、课程资源开发、教师教学、学生学习和教学评价留下较大的发挥创造力的空间。提高教师的素质是《标准》顺利实施的关键。

【Abstract】 The English Syllabus (revised) for basic education will be replaced by the English Curriculum Standard for basic education in the new round basic education curriculum reform. It has a far-reaching meaning for basic education English teaching reform to research the Syllabus and the Standard in a comparative way.Part I states the current basic education English teaching situation the background for designing the Standard and the purpose & meaning of this comparative research.Part II analyses the similarities and differences between the Syllabus and the Standard. As to the similarities, both the Syllabus and the Standard, under the guidance of modern educational theories, absorbing and bringing in advanced language instruction theories and methodology, pay close attention to students’ all-round and lifelong development for all students by means of attaching great importance to English in accordance with the current situations at home and abroad, so as to promote the fulfilling of quality-oriented education. Compared with the Syllabus, the Standard embodies innovation in many aspects, such as the status, function & objective of English curriculum, development of English curriculum resources, teaching evaluation and so on.A " co-operative learning" teaching experiment and a questionaire on teachers’ adaptation to the Standard are designed in Part III & Part IV. This experiment proves "cooperative learning" can strengthen students’ awareness of dominance & co-operation, improve students’ learning results and communicative abilities, as interest motivation and sense of success promote each other. This questionaire shows teachers have obtained some qualities to adapt themselves to the Standard in views of teaching curriculum objective using new English textbooks and etc, but they can not meet the demand of the Standard due to theirlack of sufficient knowledge of psychology, pedagogy and scientific researching abilities.Part Vis the conclusion of this dissertation. The Standard abides by this idea that the objective of English curriculum is to improve the qualities of all Chinese. It designs English curriculum in all aspects with it ( ranging from curriculum objective, contents standard, fulfilling suggestions to curriculum resources development & management) and it integrates primary junior & senior middle school English curriculum. The Standard combines knowledge & skills, learning process & methods, motion attitudes & views of value as the function of English curriculum. The objective of English curriculum is to foster students’ abilities to communicate in English, which bases on language knowledge & skills, motion, attitudes, learning strategies and cultural awareness. The standard will change teachers’ teaching methods and students’ learning ways, leaving much innovation space for designing teaching material development of teaching resources teaching learning and evaluation. Improving teachers’ qualities is the key to ensure the smooth fulfilling of the Standard.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1314

