
基于Web的协作学习平台(Web CL)的设计与开发

The Design and Development of Based Web Collaborative Learning Platform

【作者】 姜毅

【导师】 薛胜军;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 以多媒体技术、计算机网络技术为代表的科学技术的迅猛发展给当代社会带来了巨大影响和深刻变革。信息经济带来了人们生活方式、生产方式的转变,使社会经济发生了结构性的转变。人们只有终生学习才能适应这一变化。而远程教育是实现终生学习的最佳途径,与传统教育相比,除了不受时间和空间的限制之外,在学习对象的取舍上能为所有求学者提供人人均等的学习机会。从教学方式来看,远程教育变传统教育方式下的被动学习为主动学习,能够充分发挥学习者的主观能动性和学习积极性。同时,可以针对不同学习者的学习能力和领悟能力安排各自的学习进度,改变传统教育的千0篇一律、齐步走的方式。 本文提出了远程教育系统的一种崭新的模式——基于Web的协作学习(Web CL)模式。协作学习是学习者以小组形式参与、为达到共同的学习目标、在一定的激励机制下为获得最大化个人和小组学习成果而合作的一切相关行为。要使小组学习真正具有协作性,必须具备五个要素,它们是:(1)学生之间清晰明显的相互依赖性;(2)经常的小组评价;(3)促进学习成果的组员间交互;(4)个体任务和职责;(5)频繁使用的人际和小组社交技能。基于Web的协作学习是指利用网络技术来支持协作学习。作者以《计算机组成原理》课程的实验部分的教学为引线,结合多媒体技术、网络技术、数据库技术实现了WebCL系统的开发工作。学生通过Internet或校园网,可以直接连到该系统主页中,通过网络进行课程学习,对于不懂的问题可以在聊天室中与同学进行讨论,也可以在线呼叫教师进行一对一的辅导。另外,同时登录到一个实验平台的同学,可以相互协作,共同完成一个实验任务。该系统还开发了一个远程考试系统,不仅可以完成在线考试功能,还能够记录学生的答题过程、分数等信息,以用于对学生的学习效果进行评估。该系统还对三维电子画板的开发进行了尝试。老师与学生通过它可以制作三维图形,并对图形进行旋转、伸缩、移动等操作。 本文主要对该系统建立的理论基础、设计思想以及系统的具体实现过程做了详细论述。首先在前两章中对国内外协作学习系统的现状、系统总体概况、系统设计环境及其理论基础进行了简单介绍。后续章节对系统设计、系统采用技术、系统主要功能、系统实现过程等进行了详细介绍,其中以系统采用的技术分章节具体论述。本系统主要采用的三种技术手段是:网络数据 武汉理工大学硕士学位论文库技术、多媒体技术和 Java技术。最后一章中,对系统的设计进行了总结,并指出系统仍需完善与改进之处。

【Abstract】 The rapid development in science technology characterized with multimedia technology and network technology greatly influenced modern society and then results in the fundamental change in terms of ways of living and production mode, enabling the economy undergo the fundamental transition. Thus people can just adapt themselves to the change through life education. As an easy access to receive life education, in comparison with traditional education, remote education unrestricted by time and space can offer all the learners an equal opportunity regardless of their individual difference. In view of teaching method, changing the passive study under traditional mode into active knowledge-seek, remote education can motivate the learners to fully employ their learning potential. On the other hand, it also can improve the traditional method characterized with uniformity by designing the course based on individual’s intelligence and self-taught capability.The thesis provides a new mode of remote education which is Web CL (Web based collaborative learning). Collaborative Learning (CL) is what that’s all about - learners working together as a group to accomplish shared goals and maximize the learning of each individual by an incentive scheme. There are five essential components that must be present for small-group learning to be truly collaborative. They are (l)clear, positive interdependence among students, (2)regular group self-evaluation, (3)interpersonal behaviors that promote each member’s learning and success, (4)individual accountability and personal responsibility, and (5)frequent use of appropriate interpersonal and small group social skills. Web Based Collaborative Learning is the CL that supported with Web Technology. Based on the experiment in <<The Principle of Computer Composition>>, the author combines the technology of multimedia, network and database to project the research of Web CL system. With the help of the system, the learners are supposed to connect themselves to the homepage of the system through Internet or School’s Intranet for course-learning. In this way, they could either discuss the problem with their classmates or ask one-to-one instruction form on line. More, they even can connect themselves to a platform forexperiment so as to cooperate with their classmates to co-accomplish the assignment. Also the system invents a remote system for exam, which can not only test learners on lien, but also keep record of the course to obtain solution so as to facilitate the evaluation of learners achievement in course learning. And it opens up the access for developing three-dimensional white board by which teachers and learners can design their three-dimensional graph and revolve, move.The thesis introduces the basis, the design idea and the process of concretely realization in great detail. At first, the first two chapters introduce the situation of collaborative learning system in the internal and external, the whole survey, the design environment and base of thesis. Then the following chapters introduce the design of system, the technology of realizing this system, the main function of the system and the achievement process of the system in detail. The order of the chapters is separated by the technology of what the system uses. The main three technologies are network database, multimedia and Java. The last chapter sums up the whole system and points to the places what the system should still be completed and corrected.

  • 【分类号】TP399
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】463

