

The Study and Design of Vehicle Monitor System Based on GPS and GIS

【作者】 林世究

【导师】 杨春金; 王虹;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 GPS全球定位系统是由美国提出并实施的一项庞大的宇宙及航天工程。其最初的目的是为美国军方服务,随着GPS系统的发展,民用领域的GPS应用显示出强大的生命力。全天候、全球表面、高精度的定位技术,使得GPS在航海、航天、测量、运动载体监控调度等诸多领域得到了广泛的应用。据美国GPS产业协会的市场调查,车辆导航应用将成为未来20年内全球卫星定位系统的最大潜在应用之一。 地理信息系统(Geographic Information System,GIS)是为了获取、存储、检索、分析和输出显示空间数据而建立的一类专用的信息系统,涉及地理学、图像处理、计算机图形学、数据库技术、计算机软件等多门学科,具有强大的图形数据与属性数据交互查询、显示、空间分析及管理功能和一定的决策支持功能。 自动车辆定位(AVL)系统是GPS技术、GIS技术、无线通信技术、计算机技术等高新技术的集成应用。AVL系统由监控中心(BS)、若干车载移动台(MS)以及连接MS和BS的无线移动通信链路三部分组成。在AVL系统中,车辆单元需要将车载GPS得到的经纬度、速度、时间,以及驾驶员实时输入的车辆状态信息,通过无线通信网传送回监控中心,监控中心根据车辆回送的数据,将车辆的位置实时地在电子地图上显示出来。 本文主要完成三个方面的研究与设计工作,即完成通信所需的通信控制器的设计,保证通信有效进行的通信协议的设计以及监控中心监控平台的构建。 全文共六章,分为三大部分: 1)课题背景、意义及系统介绍。即文中的第一、二章。先介绍本课题的背景及研究意义、自动车辆定位的工作原理,再简单介绍了GPS全球卫星定位系统的背景、定位原理以及GPS在其他领域中的应用。 2)系统设计。基于GPS的自动车辆定位系统是一个集成GPS技术、地理信息系统GIS技术、无线通信技术、计算机技术等高新技术的应用。论文中,针对系统中的关键技术:无线通信组网技术与GIS技术做了较为深入的研究。该部分即文中的第三、四、五章,分别从车载通信控制器、无线通信协议、监控中心GIS监控平台,即系统的三个组成部分进行了软硬件的设计与实现。 3)系统展望。在文中的第六章,根据现有无线通信网的发展,提出了 基于GPS. GIS技术车辆监控管理系统的研究与设计 系统漫游的实现、以及对车载单元功能扩展的设想。

【Abstract】 GPS (Global Positioning System) was initiated and has been carried out in the United States of America. It was designed originally for the purpose of military service. Later with its development, GPS had also showed great potential in civil applications. In fact, due to its excellent positioning strategies - round the clock and over the earth service as well as its high accuracy, GPS has already been successfully and widely applied in such fields as navigation, aerospace, survey, monitoring and dispatchment of mobile vehicles. According to the market investigation of USGIC, the vehicle navigation will become the biggest application among GPS services in the coming twenty years.Geographic Information System (GIS) is a sort of special information system, which construct for acquire, store, inquire, analyse, display, and print the spatial data. It refers to geography, computer graphics, database technology, computer software, etc. With GIS, the user can inquire between the spatial data and the attribute data. GIS has display function, spatial analyse, management and aid of decision.The Automatic Vehicle Location System (AVL) has used most high technologies, such as GPS technology, GIS technology, wireless communication technology and computer technology etc. The AVL is composed of three parts, the Monitor Center (Base Station), the individual cars (Mobile Station), and the radio link which communicate between the BS and the MS. The BS’s module sends the longitude, latitude, speed, and time information which read from GPS receiver and the car’s state (such as alarm) via the radio. The BS will display the car’s position in the map.This paper discuss the AVL system from three aspects, first present the design of the communicate controller, and then study the design of the communicate protocol, at last discuss the construction of the monitor center’s manage system.This paper is made up of six chapters, and divides into three parts.1) In chapter 1 and chapter 2, we discuss the background and meaning of this task, and then introduce the AVL. The background and principle of GPS are discussed. At last present the mainly application of GPS.2) The design of AVL. This system has used most high technologies, such as GPS technology, geographic information system technology (GIS), wireless communication technology and computer technology etc. The key technology of AVL is discuss in detail, such as wireless communication technology and GIS technology.3) The prospect of AVL. In chapter 6, present the design idea of wandering and function expand of the MS according to the development of wireless communication.

  • 【分类号】TP315
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】464

