

Numerical Analysis of Settlement of DJM Pile Composite Foundation

【作者】 王金山

【导师】 胡幼常; 唐小兵;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 结构工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 近些年来,随着经济建设不断发展,我国基础设施建设的规模愈来愈大。在土建、交通、水利等工程建设中会经常遇到软弱地基,软弱地基的处理方法层出不穷,许多经济、快速、有效的实用的方法在工程中已得到较广泛应用,粉喷桩复合地基就是这类方法中较典型的一种。但相应的理论研究工作却很滞后,严重制约了这些方法的发展和完善。此种情况导致粉喷桩复合地基的理论远落后于实践。因此对诸如粉喷桩等形式的复合地基作更深入、广泛的理论研究是岩土工程界极为关注和重视的课题之一。 本文将通过室内模型试验并借助大型有限元分析软件ANSYS,考虑复合地基中各种材料的非线性特性,对路堤载荷下粉喷桩复合地基的沉降特性进行初步的室内模型试验分析和数值模拟分析,找出粉喷桩复合地基的应力场、位移场、变形特性等的一些基本规律。着重对复合地基的沉降与桩长和桩距的关系进行研究,为优化设计提供理论依据。在此基础上,利用大型有限元分析软件ANSYS的优化设计功能对复合地基进行优化设计,求出复合地基的最优桩长和最优桩距。

【Abstract】 With the constant enlargement of the basic civil engineering in our country, and more highways, bridges, houses, and so on, need to be built on the soft ground.There are various methods for managing soft ground,and many economical and effective methods have been widely used in engineering, DIM composite foundation is one of these methods. But the theory of the DIM composite foundation is trailed behind by the practice of the DJM composite foundation. This leads to the limitation of the development of DJM composite foundation,so it is important to investigate composite foundation theoretically.lt has become a hard-of-hearing problem in geotechnical engineering .This paper has analyzed the mechanical properties of reinforced ground by means of model test and the application of finite element analysis software ANSYS. Some basic regularities of the load distribution, deformation characters, and so on, has been gained. The relation between the length of pile and settlement and the relation between the distance of pile and settlement are worked out, which provide thereunder for optimization,then the optimization of DJM pile composite foundation is done by means of ANSYS, the optimum length of pile and the optimum distance of pile are educed.

  • 【分类号】TU433
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】376

