

Human Capital & Academic Title Evaluation

【作者】 王波

【导师】 张贤澳;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 人口、资源与环境经济学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 发展是人类社会永恒的主题,而人是经济和社会发展的基础。尤其像我们这样的发展中国家,充分发挥人在经济发展中的作用,更是实现下世纪中叶赶上中等发达国家发展水平目标的重要途径。不幸的是,我们曾经引以为豪的丰富的人口资源却成为阻碍我国经济增长和经济改革的首要因素:13亿人口的吃饭问题成为我国经济发展中的首要任务,近3亿失业者的再就业问题成为第二号任务。沉重的人口压力不仅使我国只能以劳动密集型产业为主,而且使我国的改革步伐不得不一次次的放慢。造成这种窘状的原因在于:长期以来,我们在注重经济发展的同时,忽视了人类自身的发展,忽视了人类自身素质的提高。在经济以年均8%的速度增长,人口以年均1.4%的速度增长的同时,人的知识与能力—人力资本的增长速度却缓之又缓,即使业已获得的人力资本也难以实现自身的价值。大学是探究学术,传播文化的场所,是培养高级人力资本的基地,其主体价值维系在教师和学者身上,教师的精神和物质待遇又维系于职称等级结构之中。公正、公平、公开的职称评定制度有助于现存的人力资本的高效使用,而目前,现行职称评定存在着诸多问题与漏洞,一些环节还很不合理与完善,激励机制不到位。 本文内容分为两部分,第一部分介绍人力资本理论的演变发展及人力资本的形成及测度,给出人力资本的基本特征,并用数学模型说明人力资本投资的临界点在于边际收入等于边际成本。第二部分通过对职称评定的历史回顾并与特定的时代相联系,深刻揭示了职称评定背后所隐藏的文化、价值、人性观,为完善职称评定找到了症结所在,借鉴人力资本理论,对完善高校职称评定制度进行设计。最后给出了高校教师系列高级职称评价量化标准。

【Abstract】 Development is the eternal theme of our society; yet human is the base of the development in society. Especially for the developing country, like our country, attachment importance to the role of human is the key way to catch up with the developmental level of the medium-developed country by the middle of this century. Unfortunately, the abundant population resources we were proud of have become the chief actor that hinders the economic development and reform: 130 million people’s food problem has become the chief task; re-employment problem of the almost 30 million unemployed is the second. The pressure of population obliges our country not only attach more importance to the labor-intensive industry, but slow down the speed of reform. The reason for the embarrassment is that: For a long time, when we noticed the economic development, we have ignored the people’s self-development and self-improvement. When the economy increases at the annual speed of 8% and the population increases at the annual speed of 1.4%, people’s knowledge and abilities-human-capital improved so slowly that it was hard to achieve the self-value of the acquired human capital .The university is to explore the abstractive scholarism and spread the advanced culture, and it is the depot to cultivate the advanced human capital. Its main value depends on the teachers and students, whose diligence and wiliness is relation to title evaluation system. The just , fair open title evaluation contributes to the present human capital’s efficiency. But now, the system has many problems and leaks. Some of the links are irrational and imperfective, and the exhortative mechanism doesn’t do much.The article is divided into two parts: the first part is to introduce the evolution, formation and measure of the human capital’s theory. Furthermore, it not only provides the basic characters of human capital, but apply mathematical model to illustrate the critical point of its investment in the situation which the marginal revenue is equal to the marginal costs. The second part deeply reveals the culture value, viewpoint of life According to the human capital theory, the academic title evaluation system is built relatively perfectly.

  • 【分类号】G647
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】473

