

A Research on Marketing Issues of China’s State-owned Commercial Banks

【作者】 林颖

【导师】 张文棋;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 农业经济管理学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着金融市场的进一步开放,资本市场的迅速发展,同业竞争加剧,以及加入WTO后外资银行的涌入,我国金融市场也逐渐从卖方市场转变为买方市场,国有商业银行的经营环境面临着深刻变革。在激烈的市场竞争环境中,国有商业银行只有尽快转变经营和业务发展策略,引入现代市场营销理念,全面实施市场营销管理,以市场为导向、以客户为中心、以效益为目标,根据客户需求和经营环境的变化随时调整产品和服务,才能提高竞争能力和市场占有率,在竞争中取胜。 然而,我国国有商业银行脱胎于计划经济,目前尚处在商业化的转轨建制阶段,对市场营销的认识和研究起步较晚。近几年来,实践中虽然已经引入了营销理论和观念,但是跟国外先进银行相比,在营销观念、机制和营销策略、手段运用方面总体上还尚存在较大差距,主要表现在整体营销意识不强;营销组织和机制不健全;缺乏统一的战略规划和明确的市场定位;尚未形成真正的金融产品研发机制和市场定价机制;在促销手段的运用上较为零散,对组合策略运用效果不胜理想;分销渠道效能较低,结构不合理,技术上有待于提高完善;信息系统不够完善;营销队伍素质有待进一步提高等等。为了应对国际竞争的挑战,提高自身的市场应变能力和市场竞争实力,优化资源配置,国有商业银行必须切实转换观念,加快自身改革和发展,树立起与现代商业银行相适应的市场营销观念和机制,充分利用科学的市场营销策略来指导工作。 本文以市场营销学、货币金融学以及现代企业管理理论为依托,以现代商业银行为参照,紧扣当前入世的时代背景,分析市场与客户的需求变化,探索国有商业银行的市场营销策略和营销行为,阐明国有商业银行市场营销策略的基本内容和方向,提出市场竞争策略。文章五个部分: 第一部分:从市场营销以及银行市场营销的基本概念入手,分析银行市场营销与一般企业市场营销相比具有的特殊性;概要阐述银行市场营销发展变化历程。 第二部分:从内外部环境变化的角度分析国有商业银行所面临的市场竞争环境以及运用市场营销原理的重要意义; 第三部分:主要简述我国银行业的市场营销发展变化历程以及特点趋势; 第四部分:借鉴国外商业银行市场营销中的成功经验,对比分析当前国有商业银行在实施市场营销过程中在观念、策略、机制、手段中普遍存在的问题; 第五部分:对国有商业银行科学运用市场营销战略提高市场竞争能力从十个方面提出对策建议,主要是:迅速实现经营观念的转变,树立全新的现代商业银行营销理念;强化市场调研,明确目标市场,制定科学的营销战略规划;加大产品的统一规范和创新力度;建立科学的定价机制;运用好分销渠道,建立多层次的立体型分销渠道:综合利用促销组合,大力实施品牌战略;要以客户为中心,整合银行内部组织系统,建立高效的营销内部运行机制;建立有效的市场营销信息系统,为营销活动提供信息保障;加快市场营销人才队伍建设,夯实人力资源基础;加强信用道德建设和金融法制建设,创造良好的外部营销环境等。

【Abstract】 With the further opening up of financial markets, the rapid development of capital markets, the increasingly intensified inter-bank competition and, with China’s accession into WTO, the rushing-in of foreign-capital banks, China’s financial markets are shifting gradually from sellers market to buyers market and the operational environments of commercial banks are undergoing profound changes. In an environment of intensive market competition, only if state-owned commercial banks change their outdated operational and business development strategies, introduce modern marketing philosophy and fully adopt the market-oriented, customer-centered and benefit-targeted marketing management, and timely adapt products and services to the changing customer needs and business environments, can they improve their competitiveness and market shares and survive the competition.However, China’s state-owned commercial banks, which are developed out of a planned economy and are currently in the process of transiting to true commercial banks, have begun marketing research only recently. Although marketing theory and concept have been put into practice, these banks are still far lagging behind in marketing concept, marketing mechanism and the employ of marketing strategies and means, compared with their experienced foreign counterparts. The manifestation of such gaps includes the weak awareness of overall marketing, the imperfect marketing organization and mechanism, the lack of a uniform strategic planning and a definite marketing positioning, the immaturity of true R&D mechanism and market pricing mechanism for financial products, the unsystematic use of promotion means, the unsatisfactory effects of mix policies used, the inefficiency and irrational structure of distributionchannels, the imperfect distribution technology, the imperfect information system and the incompetence of marketing team. In order to face the challenge of international competition, improve the market adaptiveness and competitiveness and optimize resource configuration, China’s state-owned commercial banks should truly change their conception, speed up their reform and development, establish marketing concept and mechanism compatible with modern commercial banks, and conduct their operation under the guidance of scientific marketing policies.Taking the theories of marketing, economics of money and banking and modern enterprise management as theoretical foundation, modern commercial banks as benchmark, China’s accession into WTO as social background, this dissertation analyzes the changes of market and customer needs, examines the marketing policies and behaviors of China’s state-owned commercial banks, explicates the essence and orientation of marketing policies for state-owned commercial banks, and puts forth market competition strategies. The dissertation consists of five parts:Part I, beginning with the basic concepts of marketing and bank marketing, analyzes the uniqueness of bank marketing compared with ordinary business marketing, and examines briefly the history of bank marketing.Part II, from the angle of the changes of internal and external environments, analyzes the competition environments facing state-owned commercial banks and the significance of the application of marketing principles.Part III focuses on the brief description of the process, characters and trends of bank marketing in China.Part IV, referring to the successful marketing experience of foreigncommercial banks, analyzes in comparison the problems currently commonly found in the implementation of marketing by state-owned commercial banks, regarding concepts, policies, mechanism and means.Part V offers proposals of countermeasures of improving the competitiveness of state-owned commercial banks through proper application of marketing strategies from ten aspects. These proposals were as follows: fulfill the transformation of operational concepts as soon as possible and establish a brand-new modern marketing philosophy of commercial banks; intensify the effo

【关键词】 市场营销国有商业银行
【Key words】 marketingstate-owned commercial banks
  • 【分类号】F832.33
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】423

