

【作者】 沈亚萍

【导师】 吴平;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2002, 硕士


【摘要】 随着社会信息化程度的深入和信息技术的发展,计算机犯罪日益猖獗并渐已成为世界各国所关注的重大社会问题。因此,对计算机犯罪成因及其防范的探讨显得极为重要。本文从犯罪学角度,剖析行为人实施计算机犯罪成本与收益的现状和原因,并提出如何提高行为人的犯罪成本、降低其收益来防范计算机犯罪的相关对策。 本文分为三部分: 一、计算机犯罪成本与收益的一般理论 二、计算机犯罪成本与收益的现状和原因剖析 三、计算机犯罪防范的相关对策

【Abstract】 Along with the development of information technology and deep-going of the social information, computer crimes become more and more serious. And it turns into a very serious social problem in the world. So, it is very important to study the contributing factors of computer crimes and its defence measures. From the views of criminology, the cost and revenue involved when the criminals commit computer crimes are defined and the present situation and reasons of them are analyzed in this paper, and some relevant measures about how to increase the cost of computer crimes and decrease its revenue in order to punish and prevent computer crimes are also put forward. This thesis composed of three parts:1. basic theory of computer crimes’ cost and revenue2. the analysis of the present situation and reasons of computer crimes’ cost and revenue3. some measures against computer crimes

  • 【分类号】D917
  • 【下载频次】316

