

Preliminary Studies on the Modern Veranda Style Dwelling in Quanzhou

【作者】 杨思声

【导师】 方拥;

【作者基本信息】 华侨大学 , 建筑学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 外廊样式是西方殖民者来到印度后,结合当地气候而产生的一种特殊的建筑形式。其表现出的特征是建筑的外围设有外廊,而且外廊常常带有西方的形式特点。这种建筑形式随着殖民者或外侨的迁移而传入中国,成为中国近代建筑的最早类型,而在中国分布的区域主要集中在租界以及南方的部分民间地。 泉州曾在民国时期受到外廊样式的大量影响,尤其是民居类建筑,它们是由华侨从南洋或中国其它租界区传入的,带来了相对于当地传统建筑的近代变革,同时又与传统建筑发生了强烈的融合。然而,有关这方面的研究仍十分有限,不仅文字记载资料极少,而且研究上也十分局限,如它们常常被当作“洋楼”或“番仔楼”来进行研究。 本文首次提出“泉州外廊式民居”的概念,意在从“外廊样式”的角度对泉州近代民居进行更为系统而深入的研究。而研究的主要内容包括以下几方面: 1、通过文献阅读,将泉州外廊式民居挂接到世界、中国的外廊式建筑发展体系当中;并对促成泉州外廊式民居形成的各种具体因素如自然地理、社会历史、人文等进行较全面的分析与总结。 2、通过对泉州100多座外廊式民居的实地考察,总结出变化规律,尤其注意以外廊为线索。并在此基础上,选取其中具有个性的30多座外廊民居进行深入研究,对单座的外廊式民居的外观与内部进行透彻的分析,特别是对其中所表现出的中西碰撞与融合进行较大程度的关注。这也是本文的主要研究内容。 3、通过对泉州其它非民居类外廊式建筑以及泉州传统或近代“廊式”建筑的关注,丰富泉州外廊式民居的研究。

【Abstract】 Veranda style is invented by Occident colonizer in Indian for the climate. Its character is that the veranda be set around the architecture and the veranda shape have westward influence. The style come to china with the colonizer or alien, and become the first type of Chinese Modern Architecture. It distributed at foreign settlement or some southward folk area.Quanzhou is greatly influenced by Veranda style when it was in the Republic of China , especially on its dwelling. They were brought in by overseas Chinese from South Asia or the concession of china, they differed from the local traditional architecture, but occured very amalgamation with the local traditional architecture. However, the research about this area is almost empty. Not only the letter record about it is little, but also the research about it was too local to a fault, such as it was often been reaseached as "YangLou" or "FanaLou".The article brings forward the concept of "Quanzhou dwelling of Veranda style" for the first time, and tries to research the Quanzhou dwelling from the point of view of "the veranda style". The content of the research consists of three aspects hereinafter:1.By perusing literature, make know the relation between the Quanzhou dwelling of veranda style and the veranda style in the world and in china., make know the cause of formation that the Quanzhou dwelling of veranda style come into being,.2.By investigating more than 100 veranda dwelling in Quanzhou, summarize the rule of variety, especially advert to the clew of veranda. On the base, choose more than 30 veranda style dwelling for further research, study the veranda style dwelling outside and inside thoroughly, put more attention into the collide and amalgamation between Chinese and Western. This is the main content of this article.3.By putting attention to the non-dwelling of veranda style and the traditional or modern architecture of "veranda" style in Quanzhou, make the study of the veranda dwelling in Quanzhou more richness.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 华侨大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】TU241.5
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】359

