

Research on Legal Regulation of Price Discrimination

【作者】 李春林

【导师】 庄善裕; 陈少英;

【作者基本信息】 华侨大学 , 经济法学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从竞争法角度入手,以总分结合的方式,对价格歧视的法律规制问题在实体法上进行了探讨。全文除引言外,共分五章。 引言部分主要介绍本文的选题缘由、学术界对价格歧视研究的现状,以及本文研究所遵循的思路。 第一章重点探讨价格歧视的基本法律问题。本章在考察了以往经济学和法学对价格歧视所作定义的基础之上,从妨害竞争与破坏社会福利的角度提出了价格歧视的法学概念。接着探讨了价格歧视的法律特征、构成要件、表现形式以及价格歧视的危害与法律规制的意义。 第二章主要论述第一线价格歧视的法律规制问题。本章指出第一线价格歧视主要损害卖主之间的竞争。掠夺性定价是第一线价格歧视的典型形式,本章对掠夺性定价的构成与规制进行了探讨。本章还对联合价格歧视、统一供货价与锁定客户等其他第一线价格歧视形式进行了研究。 第三章是针对第二线价格歧视进行的研究。本章首先分析了第二线价格歧视的两个基本问题——竞争性买主和对竞争与竞争者的损害。接着对回扣与折扣、佣金、服务与设施的提供进行了探讨。 第四章是本文理论研究的归宿。本章在评介了国外有关价格歧视立法之后,指出了完善我国价格歧视立法的必要性,并对完善我国价格歧视立法从指导思想与原则、立法模式、实体内容、法律后果与执行机构等方面给出了自己的建议。 第五章是对全文内容的概括与总结。

【Abstract】 From the aspect of competition law, this thesis discusses the regulation of price discrimination in substantive law by means of overall and respective analysis. The thesis is made up of five chapters besides the introduction part.The introduction part explains the causes of the selection of the subject, describes the present academic research on price discrimination and presents the research methods of this thesis.Chapter One is mainly centered on the fundamental legal issues of price discrimination. After analyzing the definitions of price discrimination given by economics and law science, the author puts forward a new conception of price discrimination from the angle of harming competition and damaging social welfare.Then, the author continues to discuss the following of price discrimination------legalfeatures, legal constituents, sorts, harms and the significance of the regulation.Chapter Two is concerned with the regulation of primary-line price discrimination. The chapter points out that primary-line price discrimination mainly does harm to the competition between the sellers. And predatory pricing is a typical instance. The author analyzes the legal constituents and regulation of predatory pricing in this chapter. This chapter also deals with other primary-line price discrimination such as horizontal agreement price discrimination, uniform price and tying customers.Chapter Three takes up second-line price discrimination. To begin with, theauthor expounds the two elementary factors of second-line price discrimination------competing buyers and harms to competition or competitors. Then the author discusses rebate and discount, allowance and furnishing of service or facilities.Chapter Four conies to the purpose of this research. After introducing and commenting on related foreign legislation on price discrimination, the author demonstrates the necessity of improving Chinese legislation on price discrimination. The author makes out his suggestions on improving Chinese legislation on price discrimination in the fields of guiding ideology and principles, legislation style, substantive contents, legal results and enforcing institute.Chapter Five is the generalization and conclusion of the research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 华侨大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】D912.29
  • 【下载频次】258

