

The Case of Marketing Strategy for Double Swllow Group

【作者】 杨守武

【导师】 王爱民;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪是经济全球化的世纪,作为工业化社会的重要产业——汽车工业,其全球化步伐也会日趋加快。2001年11月11日,中国加入了WTO,它意味着中国将以更加开放的姿态融入世界经济,也必然给中国的汽车行业带来更大的挑战,随着全球汽车工业的发展,重组兼并势头进一步加强。本文正是基于这一背景,以国内某汽车集团为主体,结合国内外主要厂商的状况,从营销战略的角度进行了分析,将当前全新的汽车行业营销模式和营销理念融于案例之中。 本文从国内外汽车行业背景、双燕集团的竞争地位、现行销售体系和中国汽车市场分析四个方面真实地反映了中国汽车行业的发展现状和双燕集团的营销战略。第一章描述了中国加入WTO以后对汽车行业带来的冲击与影响,以及国内外汽车行业发展的最新动态,包括跨国汽车公司的战略重组,兼并和联盟。第二章描述了双燕集团的现状和在国内汽车行业中的竞争地位。第三、四章描述了双燕集团的现行营销体系和国内主要汽车制造商的营销体系,以及双燕象团拟采用的未来的营销战略。案例中既有战略层面的决策又有营销实务展开,既有国外汽车公司先进的营销模式介绍又有国内汽车市场开拓的尝试。文中绝大多数数据和信息均来自实际,并且所反映事件的时事性很强。作者撰写此文的目的是想为今后的MBA教学提供一个综合性的案例。

【Abstract】 21ST century named economic globalization, the automobile industry that it is important in industrial times will more globalize than any past period. In November 11 2001, China entered into WTO certainly, it means China will participate the world economy with more opening policies, and will also make more large challenge with Chinese automobile industry. The thesis discuss the marketing strategy of a automobile group, according to the background that China enter into WTO and the factor of main automobile manufacturer in the global field, the case has included the new model and new idea of automobile marketing.The thesis included four sectors: the automobile background of national and international; the competitive condition of Double SwallowGroup; the marketing model of Double Swallow Group and the analysis of China automobile market. The market situation of China and Double Swallow Group were appeared through the four sectors obviously. The chapter one is about the influence of China of automobile industry after China enter into WTO, and the new information of international automobile industry, it involved the strategy reorganization and the strategy alliance. The chapter two is about recent condition of Double Swallow Group and the competitive situation to compare with the main national automobile manufacturer. The chapters three and four are aboutthe marketing model of Double Swallow Group and the others group, the marketing plan of Double Swallow Group was design through the two chapters.The case has involved the decision of corporation strategy and the detail of marketing model, also has involved the advanced marketing model of foreign motor companies and the discussible marketing model of inland motor companies. Moreover the data is true and from a real company, the events were stated is just now happening. The author hopes to offer a perfect and complex case for the future MBA program.

【关键词】 双燕集团营销案例
【Key words】 Double Swallow GroupMarketingCase
  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【下载频次】101

