

Design and Development of Anticorrosion Management Information System for Underground Pipelines of Chemical Fiber Yizheng

【作者】 颜挺进

【导师】 李淑英;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 电化学工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 为了提高埋地管网的防腐管理水平,利用计算机代替人工管理已是必然的趋势。 本文以仪征化纤的埋地管网的防腐管理为背景,开发了埋地管网防腐管理信息系统,该系统由查询、预测、设计、维护和计算五个子系统组成。本文在开发系统的过程中,使用了具有广阔应用前景的数值算法一边界单元法、目前国际上发展迅速的前沿交叉学科人工神经网络、数据库基本原理,并利用Visual C++和Delphi进行了具体的实现,取得了如下成果: (1)根据数据库原理和防腐管理的实际需要,建立埋地管网管理所需的数据库,并用SQL Sever进行了实现。 (2)对埋地管线阴极保护的电位分布建立了数学模型,首次考虑了管线自身的电阻对电位分布的影响,并用边界单元法对模型进行了求解,用Visual C++根据边界单元算法编制了计算程序来求解电位分布,经验证模型正确,程序可用。 (3)对BP神经网络算法进行了改进,并用基因算法对改进的BP神经网络算法进行了优化,利用人工神经网络对金属材料的大气腐蚀和土壤腐蚀作了预测模型,用Visual C++编制了改进的BP神经网络算法程序和基因算法程序,经验证模型正确,具有实用性。 (4)对整个管理系统进行了设计,并用Delphi开发了系统。系统具有实用性。 整个系统界面友好,操作方便,具有很好的可移植性、可维护性和可扩充性。软件的开发应用可使仪征化纤的埋地管网管理水平得到大大的提高,使其管理更科学化、系统化,确保地下管网的正常运行提供了有力的保障。

【Abstract】 With the improvement of the anticorrosion management level, computer management is the new inevitable trend.The anticorrosion MlS(management information system) is developed based on the anticorrosion management of underground pipelines in Chemical Fiber Co. Ltd Yizheng. The system is composed of query, forecast, design, calculate and maintenance. In the process of the development, boundary element method(BEM), artificial neural network(ANN) and the database principle were used. The system was developed with Delphi 6.0 and Visual C++ 6.0.In this paper, the following research fruits were achieved:(1)Built the database based on the principle of database.(2)Made a mathematical model for the potential distribution of cathodical protection on underground pipelines, in which the major innovation is the inclusion of nonnegligible ohmic voltage drops in the pipelines. BEM was used to calculate the values of potential, and the calculation program was obtained.(3)Improved the algorithm of BP ANN, optimized BP ANN using gene algorithm, made a mathematical model for atmosphere corrosion and soil corrosion of metal. Built the ANN algorithm program.(4) The new system was designed, and it was developed with Delphi, the reliable system was obtained.The interface of the system is friendly and the operation is convenient. The system makes anticorrosion management more scientific and systematic.

  • 【分类号】U177
  • 【下载频次】56

