

【作者】 曾锋

【导师】 韩捷; 关惠玲;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 机械设计与理论, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题属河南省重大科技攻关项目“远程设备故障诊断及其系列产品开发”。随着机械设备的大型化、自动化、高速化和复杂化,机械设备的故障诊断也变的十分复杂,而且设备状态监测和诊断技术是一门综合性技术,涉及知识面广,对诊断技术人员的素质有较高的要求,现场监控设备的人员不可能对各种故障面面俱到,当出现超出自己知识范围的故障时,往往会措手无策。有时从出现故障症兆到故障发生,往往仅有几十分钟或几分钟的时间,专家尚在千里之外来不及赶到,电话联系又常常词不达意。能否有一种方法把现场的故障资料或故障分析图谱很快的传至专家处,专家分析完毕后再返回诊断结果,指导现场人员处理现场情况?这一设想随着现代网络技术和现代通讯技术的发展已经成为可能,这就是所谓的远程故障诊断技术。本文的主要工作是结合现代互联网技术和故障诊断的现状探讨了如何实现远程设备故障诊断。 本文从以下三个部分展开了讨论:软件平台的选择;三种模式远程诊断系统的建立;建立基于Browser/Server的远程实例查询系统和远程信号分析系统并且定义了标准数据格式。 本文首先从操作系统、服务器软件以及数据库服务器软件等三个方面阐述了实现系统的软件平台选择。考虑到Win2000 Server在构架Web Server服务器、FTP Sever方面集成性能好,操作和设置比Unix、Linux容易,较适合非专业人士构架Internet系统,故在操作系统方面选择Win2000 Server+IIS5.0。在数据库方面,SQL Server运行在Windows NT\2000平台下,价格低廉、而且易用性更好,对于较大的数据库也非常容易维护,特别适合那些要建立大中型数据库又不是很精通数据库平台的企业。 其次简述几种常用的TCP\IP应用协议,如SMTP、POP3、FTP、HTTP等协议,并且结合实际故障诊断的需要提出几种模式的故障诊断,从实现的难易程度和功能上把其分为简易模式的远程故障诊断、基于视频会议的远程故障诊断以及较为集成的基于Client/Server(以下简称CIS)和基于Browser/Server(以下简称B/S)的远程诊断。在简易模式的远程故障诊断中仅满足简单的数据传输功能,可以通过邮件或FTP来进行远程诊断。视频会议分为会议室类型的视频会议和桌面形式的视频会议,这里实现了桌 郑州大学硕士学位论文面形式的视频会议。 B/S提供了一个跨平台,简单一致的划览环境,与传统的C/S模式相比,它实现了开发环境和应用环境的分离,使开发环境独立于用户的应用环境,避免了为多种操作系统开发同一应用程序的重复工作,便于系统的扩展、维护及管理,能大大提高远程诊断的工作效率。在这种模式下可利用互联网上无穷的信息,能够提高故障的诊断精度。而且B/S模式还可以集成多种网络服务,如 E-Mail. FTP等等。但这种模式实际操作上不够灵便,诊断中心相对被动,只有测览器端上传数据请求诊断时,服务器端才能对其进行诊断,服务器端无法向测览器端请求数据,对实时监测来说较为不便。而在C/S模式中可以实现真正意义上的实时监测,服务器端不仅仅是被动的接受数据,还可以主动的向客户端请求相关故障数据,能对故障做更好的分析,但是系统的开放性较差。 在C/S系统中详述了常用的TCP/IP协议及其编程实现,这些协议实际上都是通过Socket来实现的。不同的协议实际上只是通过Socket监听不同端口,例如 POP3服务监听 110端口,FTP监听 ZI端口等等。在实际应用中厂家一般通过两种方式连接Internet:一种是直接连接在Internet的某个网段上,一种是通过远程访问服务拨号连接在Internet上。对实现C侣系统来说,第一种方式可直接通过Winsocket编程实现,第二种则需要ILAS客户机拨号连接到某个网络,然后通过Winsocket实现。在C/S系统中较为重要的数据的实时发送也是通过Socket实现的。 最后在基于B/S的远程故障诊断中定义了一种标准数据格式,实现了 “远程故障查询”、“远程专家系统”。“远程实例匹配”等三部分,其中“远程专家系统“和“远程实例匹配”是以“远程信号分析系统”为基础的。 诊断的关键前提是如何对故障数据进行处理,在远程诊断的条件下更是如此。本文参照WAV文件的格式定义了一种标准格式的故障文件,通过对这个文件添加特定的头信息,使得诊断中心能够认识数据并对其进行分析。 整个 Web系统是建立在 Win2000 Server+IISS 刀十SQL Server基础上。本又简述了HTML、Java、Javascript、ASP、DHTML、ActiveX等相关技术,并详细的讨论了 ASP的数据库对象模型 ADO和 ActiveX服务器控件。本文中的模式匹配组件、上传文件组件,以及数据分析处理组件都是采用C++ Builder编制 ActiveX组件形式实现。 互I 郑州大学硕士学位论文 本文实现了以下三种形式的远程信号分析:(l)基于ASP组件的远程信号分析(二)基于 Java Applet的远程信号分析()基于 ActiveX的远程信号分析。“?

【Abstract】 This subject belongs to the important project of science and technology of the Henan province for tackling key problems named remote fault diagnosis of equipment and the development of the related series of products. With the automatization, largenization, high speeding and complication of machine equipment, it is becoming more and more complex to diagnose the fault of equipments. The technology of equipment monitoring and fault diagnosing is an integrated technology and involved in comprehensive knowledge. The fault detection technicians have to be very proficient in the field. The people on locale could not know all the faults. If an unusual fault happens, he could not solve the problem. Sometimes it is too urgent for the expert who is far from here to come for the interval between the fault symbols appears and the machine breaks down. Can we find a way to send messages of the locale to experts and experts send back diagnosing results to guide the people on locale to tackle the problems? Thanks to the technology of modern Internet and communication a new way is developed. It is the so-called technology of remote fault diagnosis. The main project of the thesis is to discuss how to realize remote equipment fault diagnosis by combining the technique of modern network with that of the present fault diagnoses.Three aspects are discussed in this thesis. The first is how to choosing the software flat, the second is to build a fault diagnosis system of three models, the last is to set up a remote instance querying system and remote signal processing system which are based on Browser/Server system and to define a standard data file.Firstly, the thesis discusses how to choose the soft flat by considering three aspects, which are operation system, server software and database server software. It is easier to configure and operate Web Server and FTP Server by using Windows 2000 Server than Unix or Linux. Windows 2000 Server is suitable for laypeople. So we choose Windows 2000 Server+IISS.O as the primary operation system. SQL Server runs under Windows NTY2000 and isIcompatible with Windows Operation System. It is easier to maintenance a large database, lower price and more suitable for the enterprise which is not good at database.Secondly, the thesis describes some useful protocols of TCP/IP such as SMTP, POP3, FTP and HTTP. According to these protocols, three models of remote fault diagnosis is proposed and classified into easy remote fault diagnosis, Net meeting fault diagnosis and integration remote fault diagnose such as B/S and C/S by how to realized the models. Ftp or E-Mail is used to transfer fault data file in the easy fault diagnosis which is only to transfer easy data file. Two types of net meetings and desktop net meeting are realized in this thesis.Comparing with the traditional C/S, B/S, the thesis provides a over-flat and coherent circumstance for browser, separates the program from application avoiding to develop several programs for different operation system .It is convenience to expand, maintenance and manage the system and also has a high efficiency for remote fault diagnosis. In this model the browsers who access the web sites can supply a lot of useful message that can be used to advance the veracity of fault diagnosis. B/S also integrates many other Internet service such E-Mail and FTP. But the operation of this model is not flexible because the fault diagnosis center is passive and only can diagnose the fault when the browser uploads the data file. The server could not get data file from the browser actively and could not monitor the equipment onlinely. But the model of C/S can fulfill the real monitoring onlinely. In this model the server can actively get some data files that is relative to the fault, so the server can have an accurate analysis of the machine fault, but this system is not an open system.In the C/S system, some useful TCP/IP protocols and how to realize these protocols are dwelled on. Actually different protocol is realized by using Socket to listen different p

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】TP277
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】454

