

Research on Measuring and Automatic Separating LED

【作者】 邹明

【导师】 陈作炳; 艾春廷;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 机械电子工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着LED应用范围的扩大,用户对LED产品质量有了更高的要求,尤其要求LED发光亮度和波长具有一致性。如果LED亮度和波长不一致,做成大屏幕LED彩色显示屏后,会使观众产生斑点或刺眼的感觉,严重影响LED显示屏的质量,因此必须对LED单管进行分选。该项目主要是按用户要求,根据LED单管的发光亮度和波长对LED进行分选,从而提高LED单管亮度和波长的一致性,进而提高LED产品的质量和档次。 针对国内目前尚无LED在线分谱检测和自动分选系统,我们借鉴国外的先进仪器设计出LED在线分谱检测和自动分选系统,该系统由二极管基本输送装置(圆盘振动输送机、直线振动输送机)、等间隔喂入装置、检测系统和自动分选装置几部分组成。可完成LED波长和亮度的在线检测、自动处理和自动分选,实现了LED在线分谱检测与自动分选的流水线作业。自动分选的机械结构设计、动作实现设计和顺序动作控制是本论文的重点。自动分选的实现是通过PC与PLC的结合完成对PLC的顺序控制。 发光二极管分谱自动检测与分选设备经不断研制和完善后,可以逐步推向市场,从而可极大地提高我国LED质量,其市场前景可观。该设备研制成功、定型并批量生产后,设备成本约12万元,市场售价可达25—30万元,每年可销售大约20台套,其设备销售额达500万元。该设备的广泛应用可极大地提高我国LED质量和档次。

【Abstract】 With the development of application of LED, people require top-quality LED, especially in wavelength and light intensity. It will affect quality and induce dazzling sight in large color-display if LED’s wavelength and light intensity are not measured, so we must achieve auotmatic separation of LED. The research task achieve on-line measurement of LED’s wavelength and light intensity and also including automatic separation of LED according to user’s request in order to improve the quality of LED.Owing to lack of auotmatic separation of LED in our country, we borrow ideas from other countries and design a suit of equipment of automatic dection and separation of LED.The equipment consists of several parts: LED transportation setup(disc libration setup,line libration setup),equidistant receving setup,detecting system and automatic separation of LED.The equipment achieve automatic separation of LED and pipelining.The research lay stress on machanical structural design and order action control which achieve automation separation by using PC and PLC.The tried equipment will be manufactured and be on sale so that the quality of LED will advance to a high position. At a rough estimate the equipment’s cost price is about 120000 yuan and will fetch at least 250000 yuan. It can dispose of about 20 sets by using KuangTong, Ltd’s marketing ability. In a all marketable tomorrow will be beautiful.

【关键词】 LED在线检测自动分选
【Key words】 LEDon-line measurementautomatic separation
  • 【分类号】TN312
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】316

