

Study of the Glass-Phosphogypsum Cementing Material and Its Products

【作者】 周环

【导师】 姜洪义; 李铁生;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 材料工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 磷石膏是化工厂用磷灰石与硫酸作用湿法生产磷酸时的副产品,磷石膏有许多可以加以肯定的重要性质,其两个主要优点为二水化合物含量高(常达90%)和材料的细度细,可以省去天然石膏用来破碎和磨细的费用。但是磷石膏中存在着杂质,这些杂质包括磷酸、各种磷酸盐、氟化物、有机成分、铝的化合物和可溶性盐,这些物质影响磷石膏制品的强度和凝结性能,也给磷石膏的利用带来了困难。 本论文根据材料化学原理,采用生石灰作碱性激发剂,一方面可以中和磷石膏中的酸性物质,同时它又是矿渣的强力激发剂,而选用的早强剂则使其能够与上述物料体系中的成分反应生成早强型水化产物钙矾石。 本论文通过实验确定了磷石膏玻璃态胶凝材料的组成体系和最佳配合比,探讨了影响胶凝材料性能的主要工艺参数,借助XRD、SEM和热导式量热仪等现代测试手段对磷石膏玻璃态胶凝材料的水化动力学;水化产物;硬化机理和硬化体的微观结构进行了分析。并对胶凝材料的应用进行了实验室试验。 本研究由于不需要对磷石膏进行水洗、煅烧等预处理,在复合激发剂作用下可直接与矿渣、砂等作用,生产出28天抗压强度大于30MPa环保型胶凝材料和各种不同的建筑制品,不仅节能,而且不产生二次污染。其成果具有重要的应用价值和社会效益。 论文通过对磷石膏玻璃态胶凝材料的LCA评价,可以判定该材料具有良好的环境协调性。

【Abstract】 Phosphogypsum is the by-product of the production of phosphoric acid by wet process with apatite and sulphuric acid. Phosphogypsum has many excellent properties, the most distinguished two merits are the high content of dihydrate(commonly 90%) and the good fineness, it can save the cost of crushing and grinding. However, there are many impurities in phosphogypsum which includes the phosphoric acid, various kinds of phosphates, fluorides, organic ingredients, aluminous compounds and soluble salts. All these foreign matters bring influence to the strength and setting property of the phosphogypsum product, and also bring difficulty to the application of it.Based on the principles of material chemistry, this paper uses the lime hydrate as the alkali activator. It can not only neutralize acids in phosphogypsum but also work as the powerful activator to the slag. And the chosen accelerator enable it to react with the components in above material system to generate accelerated hydration product--ettringite.In this paper, the components system and optimum mix proportion of phosphogypsum cementing material are designed by experiments. The main technological factors influencing the properties of the cementing material are explored. With advanced testing methods of XRD, SEM, thermoelectric conduction calorimeter,etc, the hydration kinetics and hydration products, the hardening mechanism and the microstructure of hardened pastes are analyzed. The application of cementitious materials is carried out in laboratory.The study in this paper doesn’t require such pretreatments as water scrubing and burning of phosphogypsum. And under the action of compound activators, it can react directly with slag and sand to produce environment-protecting cementing material with 28d compressive strength above 30Mpa and various kinds of construction products. It is energy saving and it won’t bring the secondary pollution. The result has great value of application and social benefits.According to the LCA evaluation of the glass-phosphogypsum cementing material, it can be determined that this material has excellent property in environment conditioning.

  • 【分类号】TQ177
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】391

