

【作者】 毛彦功

【导师】 张秀全;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 法律, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 机动车交通事故损害赔偿是侵权行为法的一个重要问题。本文作者结合审判实践,从机动车交通事故损害赔偿的归责原则及其适用入手,对机动车交通事故责任认定的司法救济,责任主体的确认、损害赔偿范围三个与之相关的问题,进行了较为深入地分析,对于澄清理论界一些模糊认识,纠正司法实务中存在一些误区,有着一定的借鉴意义。除引言与结语外,全文共分四个部分。 第一部分,我国机动车交通事故损害赔偿的归责原则及其适用。 该部分论述了我国机动车交通事故赔偿责任的归责原则及如何适用的问题。 第二部分,机动车交通事故责任认定的司法救济。 该部分论述了对机动车交通事故责任认定进行司法救济理论与实务上是否可行的问题。 第三部分,机动车交通事故损害赔偿责任主体的确认。 该部分论述了机动车交通事故赔偿责任主体确定的基本原则,并对七种特殊情况下责任主体的确定进行了分析。 第四部分,机动车交通事故损害赔偿的范围。 该部门论述了机动车损害赔偿应涉及的范围,重点论述了有关精神损害赔偿的问题。 笔者最后吁请尽快制订适合我国国情的机动车交通事故损害赔偿法。 全文共约四万字。

【Abstract】 Compensation for the injuries in traffic accidents caused by Vehicles is an imporant issue to the law of infringement. In this thesis, from among the responsibility Principles of compensation for the injuries in traffic accidents caused by motor Vehicles as well as their application, the author makes afairly further analysis to the three interrelated issues including -judical relief of re-sponsibility affirmation to traffic accidents caused by motor Vehi-oies, affirmation to main responsibility body, and iniury compensation range, Which will offer us uses ot referrence not only to the clarification of some confused ideas in chooretical , but to the cor-tection of the existing errors in judical practice,Part one : China’s responsibility principles of compensation for injuries in traffic accidents caused by motor vehicles and the.appplication of the principles.In this part, the author has a discussion on china’s responsibility principles oi" compensation for injuries in traffic accidents caused by motor vehicles, as well as the application of them.Part two: Judical relief of responsipility affirmation to traffic accidents caused by motor Vehicles.In this part , the author has a discussion on the theories about the judical relief of the responsibility affirmation to traffic accidents caused by motor vehicles, as well as its feasibility.Fart three: Affirmation to the main responsibility body of the compensation for injuries in traffic accidents caused by motor ve-hicles.In this part ., the author has a discussion on the basic princi -ples of affirmation to the main responsibility body of the compen-sation for traffic accidents caused by motor vehides, followed by a careful dialysis on how to make an affirmation to the main responsibility body in seven particular aspects.Pan four: Compensation range of the injuries in traffic accidents caused by motor vehicles.In this part,the author has a discussion on the range with regard to the compensation of injuries caused by motor vehicles, in which the author gives a brilliant exposition of the issues related to mental cornpensslion,In the end , the author appeals for the compensation law of Injuries in Traffic accidents caused by motor vehicles to laid, downas soon as possible.There are about 40000 Chinese characters in this thesis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】D923
  • 【下载频次】123

