

The Research of Exogenous DNA Transformation of Wheat via Ion Beam

【作者】 张艳锋

【导师】 秦广雍;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 粒子物理与原子核原理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 为了结合实验室大规模开展的小麦品质育种工作的需要,建立适用的小麦后代蛋白筛选体系在育种过程中是至关重要的。根据中国农科院谷物品质监督检验中心提供的经过准确测定品质的样品进行定标,先搜集标准样品光谱,然后经过数学处理建立定标模型,采用验证样品库对定标方程进行验证,获得较准确的定标效果,建立了利用新一代NIRS 5000光栅型近红外光谱仪进行准确、快速、无损测定小麦籽粒品质的系统,经多次的比对实验证明,该系统与化学分析测定值吻合较好。两年来该系统在实验室开展的品质育种中发挥了重要作用,已测定了8万个小麦材料,为大量介导基因群转移的后代材料的品质测定提供了可靠保障。 从我国优良的推广品种、品系出发,对离子束介导基因群转移中介导时间的选择、不同受体小麦品种、不同供体大豆品种,以及大豆、黑豆、绿豆等不同供体的转化效率分别进行了研究。结果表明,离子束介导基因群转移的转化时间以48小时的转化效果最好。不同受体小麦品种相同供体大豆品种的转化效果不同,不同供体大豆品种相同受体小麦品种的转化效果也有差异。通过对豆科类如大豆、黑豆、绿豆外源DNA的转化效果来看,以大豆的转化效果最稳定,转化效率较高。两年来,在T1代中筛选出了蛋白含量高于18%的有133株,高于19%的有30株。在T1代中蛋白质含量与对照呈显著差异的高蛋白的单株数目所占的百分比一般在5%~20%之间。通过对高蛋白的单株继续种植,发现这些单株在T2代有一定遗传性,这主要表现在T2代有的株系仍能保持高蛋白的特性。 总体上讲,从六个单位利用离子束辅助外源基因群转移方法开展的十余个品种的大量试验数据中用统计的方法得到的实验结果证实:离子束辅助外源基因群转移方法的确有效,它不仅对小麦的蛋白质含量的提高有明显的效果,而且对小麦的田间农艺性状,如株高,熟期,株型,穗型等有定向诱变的作用。目前,离子束介导基因群转移的机理虽然不是很清楚,但它有可能成为一种无性的远缘分子育种手段。由于其简单实用,不需克隆基因,也不存在环境危险性,是一种创造新种质资源、丰富作物遗传多样性的有效手段,因而离子束辅助外源基因群转移方法在品质育种中将具有很好的应用前景。

【Abstract】 To meet the need of the quality breeding aim of our laboratory, to establish an effective selecting system on the basis of protein is the most important thing. According to the tested wheat sample supported by the china corn quality supervision &test center, the sample spectrums were selected, through mathematic management; a calibration model and an equation were founded accordingly. The new calibration was tested by another group of sample and the result was very good, then the Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy instrument set up a new accurate, fleet and intact system for wheat protein test. After some contrast experiment, the result by NIRS is inline with the chemical one. In about two years, about 80,000 wheat samples from genetic transformation had been tested, and the system played an important role in the wheat quality breeding.In the light of the good wheat breeds and series of our country, the transformation time and the efficiency of different wheat breeds and different soy and different legume were studied respectively. Result shows that the finest transformation time is 48 hour. The transformation efficiency is different among different wheat breeds when the exogenous DNA is certain. And the efficiency is different also among different exogenous DNA when the wheat breed is determined. The efficiency of soy DNA transformation is the most stable and better one among different legume. In the last two years, we have got 133 plants, whose protein content is higher than 18%, and 30 plants higher than 19% in Tl. The number of samples in Tl whose protein content distinguished dramatically from CK ranges from 5 to 20 per. The high protein samples were raised the next year; we can see that the trait of high protein can be inherited in T2.Generally speaking, form the results of different area and of different wheat breeds, it shows that the method of exogenous DNA transformation of wheat via ion beam is indeed very potent; it cannot only increase the protein content of wheat, but also contribute to the improvement of the agricultural properties. For the moment, the mechanism of the method is not very clear, but it may be a nonsexual and distant related breeding way. Because of its simplicity, safety, and no need of cloning gene, it may be an effective way of broadening the wheat breeds and its genetic diversities, and thus it will have a bright future in quality breeding.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】S512.103
  • 【下载频次】48

