

【作者】 王赐江

【导师】 董广安;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 新闻学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 近些年来,随着我国市场经济体制的建立和完善,政治民主化进程的逐渐加快,新闻改革的逐步深入以及人民群众法律意识的普遍增强,新闻侵权诉讼正呈现出日渐增多的上升趋势。一时间,形成了“告媒体热”,“告记者热”现象,众多的“新闻官司”使新闻单位和记者疲于应付、陷入讼累。这一问题令人注目,也发人深思。 我国自古以来就形成了以成文法为主要的法的渊源的传统,一切社会关系都需要由有立法权的国家机关制定或认可的规范性法律文件加以调整。值得注意的是,频繁发生、日趋复杂的新闻侵权诉讼与我国现行有关法律、法规相对滞后之间的矛盾正日显突出,在司法实践中,由于我国现行新闻侵权法本身所存在的诸多悖论,对层出不穷的“新闻官司”究竟应该如何予以界定和裁判正面临着无法回避的困境。这既不利于对公民合法权益的保护,也不利于新闻事业的健康发展。对此进行深入的探究无疑具有较大的理论价值和实践意义。 当前,对新闻侵权的研究已成为学术界的一个热点和焦点课题。但从整体上看,也存在着感性色彩过浓、流于肤浅,甚至对我国现行法律、法规有所曲解等问题。本文主要着眼于新闻侵害名誉权、隐私权和肖像权三大新闻侵权诉讼,紧密结合大量生动、具体、较有影响的“新闻官司”,深入剖析现行法律、法规在这方面的缺陷,并据此提出了颇具针对性的应对之策。 论文共分四大部分。新闻侵权作为民事侵权行为的一个特殊类型,它和一般侵权行为一样,都是指不法行为人因其过错侵害了法律所保护的合法权益,并给他人造成了损害的行为。作为一种能够引起侵害人承担民事责任的事实,新闻侵权行为与一般侵害财产权和人身权的行为有许多共同之处。但由于新闻侵权是一种特殊类型的侵权行为,有其自身的特点和规律,因此它与一般的民事侵权行为又存在着明显差异。本文 第一部分新闻侵权概说,着重阐述了新闻侵权的概念、构成要件以及新 闻侵权的责任承担方式,并对我国现行新闻侵权法进行了简要梳理,试 图澄清长期以来人们在这方面的模糊认识。该部分是论文进一步拓展的 前提和基础。 第二部分为新闻侵权法中的几个悼论,具体分析我国现行新闻侵权 法中的诸多矛盾和问题,可细分为三个层次。第一小部分新闻侵害名誉 权中的真实性冲突,从探讨新闻真实与法律真实的异同入手,兼顾举证 责任倒置对此问题的影响,重点剖析了现行法律、法规中的缺漏给新闻 侵害名誉权诉讼造成的巫待解决的困难。第二小部分新闻侵害隐私权的 定性尴尬和缺失,廓清了对隐私权的界定,着重分析我国现行法对公民 隐私权保护的不足,认为由于目前对隐私权的立法保护还很不完善,基 本处于无法可依的境地,致使对公民隐私权的司法救济显得相当被动, 我国现行新闻侵权法无形中大大缩小了隐私权的保护范围。第三小部分 新闻侵害肖像权的认定困境,主要论达在我国对肖像权的立法和司法均 有明显局限、新闻媒介的产业化特征日益突出的情形下,有关肖像权的 立法缺陷与快速发展的社会生活之间的矛盾,这些都使新闻侵害肖像权 的认定面临前所未有的困境。第二部分是丈章的核。。,它为后面提出较 有针对性的应对之策提供了依据。 对大众传媒而言,在大力呼吁加强新闻立法的同时,其自身注意和 善于在现有的新闻侵权法律框架内寻求对策,以规避侵权行为的发生, 不失为一条突破现实困境、维护自身合法权益的有效途径。论文第三部 分新闻侵权民事责任的抗辩事由,从传播内容的真实性、公正评论、权 威的消息来源和当事人同意四个方面分析了新闻媒体和记者在面对侵权 之诉时得以免除或减轻其民事责任的重要因素. 第四部分力*快新闻事业的法制化进程,认为走出困境的根本途径是 将来新闻立法时对现行法中的某些“先天不足”予以弥补、克实和完善. -2-主张在新闻侵权案件审理过程中,应根据具体情况合理分配当事人之间的举证责任,扭转由媒体单方负举证之责的局面。明确把隐私权从名誉权的保护范围内剥离出来,将其设定为一项独立的人格权;使法律有关肖像权的规定更具可操作性,以适应市场经济条件下新闻活动的需要。建立滥用诉权责任制度,防止报道对象进行恶意不实之诉,侵害媒体和记者的合法权益。该部分侧重从各方关注的新闻法制化的角度较具前瞻性地提出对策。

【Abstract】 For recent years, with the development of the Market Economy, the gradual acceleration of political democratization and news reform, and the widespread reinforcement of the people’s law consciousness, there is a great increase in lawsuits of news infringement. The crazes of going to law against mass media and reporters make news agencies and journalists extremely tired so as to be in trouble, which is spectacular and thought-provoking.China has seen written laws as the sources of laws traditionally since ancient times, so that laws and documents made by bodies with legislative power can adjust all social relations. What is more important, the conflicts between constant and complex lawsuits of news infringement and backwardness of the present laws and regulations are increasingly protruding. In judicial practice, the existing shortcomings in news infringement laws make it in trouble how to adjudicate endless news infringement lawsuits, which isn’t beneficial to the development of news as well as protection of citizen rights, so that the exploration and research about it is worthwhile theoretically and practically.At present, although the research to news infringement has become a hot subject in the sphere of learning, on the whole, there still exist many problems such as researches with strong feelings, even misunderstanding present laws and so on. This paper will, focusing on the three lawsuits of news infringement: fame right, privacy right and portrait right with combination of exciting, concrete and effective cases of news lawsuits, analyze deeply existing fallacies in present laws and propose solutions to them.The paper falls into four parts.The first part is about conception of news infringement, telling the definition and composition and responsibility from news infringement, sorting in brief the present laws of news infringement to get rid of hazy understandings. As a special type of civil infringement, like averageinfringing acts, news infringing act is referring to the act that illegal actor infringes legal rights. Although there is something in common between acts of news infringement and acts of infringing property and person, the former differs from average act of tort because of its features and laws.The second part is about several fallacies in news infringing laws, and will analyze in detail the existing conflicts and problems. The part can be divided into three minor parts further. The first will talk about truthfulness in news infringement fame, including inversion of who is responsible for putting to the proof has had influence on truthfulness, and analyze those problems to be solved immediately which result from those fallacies. The second part is about the dilemmas of determination of news infringement privacy analyzing the deficiencies of protection of citizen privacy make it quite passive how to protect privacy by laws. The third is about the dilemmas in determination of news infringement portrait, mainly talking about the limitation in legislation and judicature of portrait right.For news agencies, at the same time of asking for legislation of news, to pay attention to self acts and seek for the solutions to avoid acts of tort in present laws is an effective means to break through the dilemmas and maintain self rights. The third is about civil liability of news infringement, analyzing mass media and reporters how to exempt from or diminish civil liability when facing infringing lawsuits.The fourth part is about acceleration of news legislation, thinking that an essential means for news circle to get rid of the dilemmas is to correct and perfect the existing congenital defects in present laws, insisting that in trials of news infringement, responsibilities to put to the proof should be assigned among parties to change the fact that media alone is responsible for putting to the proof, calling on establishing the punishment system of abuse of lawsuits to prevent reported objects from making unkind and dishonest lawsuits to harm media and reporters’ rights. The part will p

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 01期
  • 【分类号】D925.1;D923
  • 【下载频次】363

