

【作者】 于文双

【导师】 倪汉根; 刘书敏;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 水利工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 大连市碧流河水库供水工程取水头部由引水渡槽、节制闸、进水闸、泄水闸等建筑物组成。由于本工程场地条件限制,增设旁通管后布置非常紧凑,管道急转角度大且转弯距离较小,对于管内水流流态是否满足要求,需要经过模型试验进行论证,以确保工程的可靠性。旁通管具有上水与泄水要求,对其过流能力也要经试验确定,为碧流河水库增建旁通管设计提供依据。 本论文研究了如下一些问题: 1.增建旁通管及流量调节阀的阻力特性及其比尺效应。 2.旁通管单独运行及旁通管与新电站联合运行时旁通管的过流能力,旁通管过流量的计算方法。 3.引水隧洞与泄水管的水力特性。 4.老电站单独运行及新、老电站联合运行时的渡槽水位,泄水管与渡槽的泄流量。

【Abstract】 To provide necessary data for design bypass pipe, an enlargement to Bi Liu River Reservoir, the following problems have been studied by hydraulic model and theoretical analysis: the energy losses in water head of the bypass pipe system and of the flow-control valve and their scale effects, measurement and calculation of the discharge of the bypass pipe system during the bypass pipe system operation with and without the new water power station, the hydraulic characteristics of the water tunnel and draw-off pipe, the flow rate of the aqueduct bridge and the draw-off pipe and the water elevation of the flow in the aqueduct bridge during the old water power station operation with and without the new water power station.

  • 【分类号】TV134
  • 【下载频次】73

