

Management Strategy Research for Construction & Installation Company of Beijing Yansan Petrochemical Corporation

【作者】 耿焕然

【导师】 董大海;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 工商管理, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立与完善,企业的内外部环境发生了深刻的变化,市场经济正逐步取代计划经济的经营模式,企业必须掌握在市场经济的运行体制下,按照市场经济的运行规律经营企业。 本文以重组后的燕化建安公司作为分析的切入点,就重组后企业在各种环境制约和影响下的经营和运作进行分析。首先分析企业所处的宏观环境,运用PESTG(Politica、Economic、Social、Technological、Geographical)分析企业所处的政治、经济、社会文化、技术和地理因素对组织的影响,描绘出宏观环境给企业带来的机会与威胁。对企业经营环境的分析,本文着重从行业状况、工程造价、竞争状况、顾客、供应商及其它利益集团等五方面进行了分析,并且结合本企业的实际,得出建筑企业进入市场的竞争优势来源要素,即成本、质量、技术能力、人力资源、关系、资金能力等六个方面,并以此为基点,运用价值链分析方法,分析企业目前的内部环境,探讨企业是否拥有这些资源与能力,得出企业经营战略的优势与劣势。 最终根据企业所处的宏观环境、经营环境和内部环境的分析结果,提出了本企业在目前状况下企业经营战略的立足点、指导思想,描绘出本企业的经营战略目标,并阐述了经营战略的步骤和过程,提出企业的长期经营战略的方向和实施保障措施。

【Abstract】 Accompanying the gradual establishment and improvement of socialist market economy system, there have been profound changes in enterprises’ internal and external environment. The management pattern of planned economy is being taken over by that of market economy. In the market economy system, the management of enterprises must obey the operating rules of it.The regrouped Construction and Installation Company is taken as the target of this paper. The management and operation of the company, under various restrictions and influences, is analyzed, beginning with the investigation of the macro-environment of the company, including the political, economic, social cultural, technological and geographical features in the company’s location. The analysis of the above features’ influences, by the method of PESTG(Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Geographical), described the opportunity and threat brought by the macro-environment to the company. The analysis of the management environment focuses on the following five aspects: industry situation, project cost, competition state, customers and industry structure. Along with the reckoning of the company’s actual situation, the source of the advantages of construction enterprises’ entering the market has been discovered. It comprises of six elements: cost, quality, technology, human resource, relationship and principal. Based on the above analysis and value’s chain-like pattern, the current internal environment of the company is investigated, which judges whether the above six advantageous elements are owned by the company. Therefore, the advantages and disadvantages of the company’s managements strategy has been pointed out.Finally, according to the analysis result of macro-environment, management environment and internal environment, the guideline and standpoint of the company’s management strategy in current state is put forward, as well as the management strategic target and the procedures to approach it. And the end of the paper presents the direction of the long term management strategy and the ensuring measures to be implemented.

  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【下载频次】77

