

【作者】 覃一宁

【导师】 于泽源;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 计算机科学与技术, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 随着国民经济快速发展,我国电力供需矛盾已逐渐从供方市场转向需方市场,国家电力体制改革进一步深入将促使观念的转变。在电厂及单元机组运行中,厂长、经理关心的问题已不仅是安全、满发,而是机组乃至整个电厂的经济指标,用最少的成本带来最多的效益,同时对设备损害最少。火电厂优化运行系统的出现就是为管理者实现这个目标提供的最有力工具。 本文针对以上课题,在研究国内外火电厂优化运行控制系统的开发和应用现状的基础上,详细阐述“大型火力发电厂运行优化和设备状态监测系统”的产生背景、系统特性、功能应用、国际国内实际使用情况及技术经济分析指标,并论述21世纪火电厂采用优化运行系统的必要性。 为了实现这一目标,本文详细论述了华能大连电厂二期机组上开发的一个具体的大型火力发电厂运行优化和设备状态监测系统软件的全过程。对该智能控制系统的系统设计、功能分析、数据处理、模块编写都进行了深入分析。 由于本系统为典型的嵌入式软件,工作在西屋公司WDPF控制系统之上,并与控制系统实时保持通信,随时访问系统的全局数据库,同时访问利用该系统的各种工具软件,所以在软件设计前对WDPF自动化控制系统的系统组成、网络结构、数据类型、数据库结构、通信方式、系统软件应用等方面都作了非常仔细的研究并在系统编制时对数据及设备资源作了最大的利用。由于WPDF电厂控制系统运行在以SUN工作站特有的Solaris UNIX平台上,故作为嵌入式优化运行系统软件也由SUN工作站特有的OpenLook C++语言编制而成。虽然缺少可视化的编程环境,但该语言强大的面向对象功能和丰富的XVIEW类库也能为在以SUN工作站上开发界面华美、操作灵活、功能完善的UNIX平台软件提供有力支持。 本系统作为火电厂运行的高层技术管理系统,是现代智能控制计算机系统与经典计算方法的充分结合,其强大的运算能力、良好的人机界面、资深的电厂运行专业知识背景、国际标准的热能运算方法,以专家系统、学习控制为主的智能控制及其与电厂控制系统的无缝结合是它的特色。

【Abstract】 As economy developing, the situation of Power Supply and Power Request is changing from buyer’s market to seller’s market. The innovation of China power system is prompting changing the ideas. In the running of units of power plant, managers care more and more about how to improve the efficiency of Units to lower down the cost and protect the equipment. The Optimizing Control System of Super Power Plant is a powerful tool to actualize the aim for the managers.The paper is from this aim and based on the researching of internal and overseas different kinds of Optimizing Control System of Super Power Plant (OCS). It expatiates its background, system specification, system applying result of economic efficiency and analyze the importance of using this system for Power Plant.In this paper detailed statements of the pragress in making a Optimizing Control System of Super Power Plant and equipment monitoring are presented, deep analysis to the system designing, function analysis, data dealing and module compiling is giver also..The system is embedded software, working on the WDPF II control system of Westinghouse Corp. of USA and communicating to the control system real time, calling the global database, using some tools of WDPF system. In order to improve OCS working efficiency, we have to research the WDPF control system constructions, network structure, data type, database structure, communication mode, system tools applying and so on. So OCS uses the WDPF II resource as possible as it can in developing program. Because of the OCS running on the Soaris UNIX system of SUN workstation, the OCS has to be developed by specific OpenLook C++ language of SUN. Although this language is lack of Visual Development Envieronment, it is objected programming feature, has e rich classes of XVIEW to develop beautiful interface, operation easily and powerful UNIX software.The OCS is a high-level technical management system. It is a combination of modern computer control system and classical calculation method. The OCS’s characteristic are powerful calculation, nicer interface, deep power plant running background, international energetic calculation method and intelligent computer based on original Power Plant control system.

  • 【分类号】TM621.6
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】360

