

The Design and Consruction Control of the Jinshi Beach Self-anchored Suspension Bridge

【作者】 魏志新

【导师】 张哲; 黄才良;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国桥梁建设水平的提高,人们对现代桥梁不但有功能上的要求,而且对桥梁美观也越来越重视,因而更多的桥型被采用。白锚式悬索桥这种新颖的桥型以其优美的线形和相对良好的经济指标而倍受青睐。 金石滩悬索桥是钢筋混凝土三跨连续自锚式悬索桥,直接把主缆锚固于加劲梁的两端,用加劲梁来抵抗主缆巨大的水平分力。在此基础上,金石滩悬索桥还将加劲梁做成拱形,用主缆的水平分力抵抗拱脚的推力。 针对金石滩自锚式悬索桥自身的特点,本文对该桥的设计和施工控制做了详细的阐述,通过建立有限元模型对结构进行有限元数值分析,并且采用装配计算方法,尽可能地按实际情况模拟了该桥施工过程及成桥后的受力状态。最后本文对大桥的设计施工加以总结归纳,得出一些有用的结论,为这种桥型在今后的推广打下基础。

【Abstract】 With the development of the technology of bridge building, the people not only require function of bridge but also pay more attention to bridge beauty. Self-anchored suspension bridge is accepted by more and more people beause of its beautiful figure, and relative favorable economy index.The design of the Jinshi Beach self-anchored suspension bridge is a three span continual self-anchored suspension bridge made of reinforced concrete; it anchors the cable at the end of beam, In this way, the horizontal component of cable tension is resisted by beam. Especially beam is archy, horizontal component of cable tension counteract the thrust of arch springing line.Contraposing these traits of the Jinshi Beach self-anchored suspension bridge, the thesis discusses detailly its design and construction control. By the finite element method and advance assemblage computation, it simulates the construction process and the state after construction. At last, the thesis makes some useful conclusions, in order to make a base for the spread of the bridge type.

【关键词】 自锚式悬索桥设计施工控制
【Key words】 Self-anchored bridgeDesignConstruction Control
  • 【分类号】U448.25
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】464

