

The Research on Technology and Application of Customer Service Management System

【作者】 黄宏毅

【导师】 王虎;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 在80年代中期及90年代初,许多公司通过求助于企业资源规划(Enterprise Resource Plan.ERP)应用系统将企业从战术性的日常商业运作事务中解放了出来。自此以后,企业关注的焦点逐渐由改进内部运作更多地转移到关注客户上来。并再度开始寻求技术的帮助,即求助于客户关系管理(Customer Service Management,CRM)。人们普遍认为,CRM将成为现代企业提高竞争力,在成熟的市场中高效运作并获取稳定利润的法宝。 作为一种管理理念,CRM的核心思想是将企业的客户(包括最终客户、分销商和合作伙伴)作为最重要的企业资源,通过完善的客户服务和深入的客户分析来满足客户的需求,保证实现客户的终生价值。同时CRM也是一种旨在改善企业与客户之间关系的新型管理机制和管理软件和技术。 客户关系管理的实现,可从两个层面进行考虑。一是解决管理理念问题,二是向这种新的管理模式提供信息技术的支持。其中,管理理念的问题是客户关系管理成功的必要条件。这个问题解决不好,客户关系管理就失去了基础。而没有信息技术的支持,客户关系管理工作的效率将难以保证,管理理念的贯彻也失去了落脚点。这是贯穿本文的一条主线。 本文通过对实施客户关系管理的一般技术分析,给出了实施客户关系管理的基本条件、方式、基本原则以及实施客户关系管理的基本步骤。详细介绍了客户关系管理的建设重点,包括呼叫中心、数据仓库、无线技术、商业智能决策分析以及信息管理系统。 CRM与企业现有系统的整合策略,是本文的重点,也是这篇文章所要论述的问题所在,本文主要介绍了客户关系管理系统与ERP系统的整合、客户关系管理系统与供应链管理系统的整合、客户关系管理系统环境下MIS的建设以及客户关系管理系统与应用服务托管(Application ServiceProvider,ASP)的整合。 在介绍了客户关系管理在我国的发展情况的前提下,本文联系我国的国情以及企业的信息化发展状况,对国内CRM解决方案应具备的特征以及我国企业如何实施客户关系管理提出了相关的实施构想。

【Abstract】 Many companys have already released themselves from ordinary business opreations resorting to ERP since 1980s’and 1990s’. From then on, the corporations began to pay more attentions to care customers instead of improving the interal operations gradually. And they started seeking for the help of thechnology again, namely CRM(Customer Service Provider).CRM is one kind of management conception, its core point is to treat enterprises’customers, including ultimate customers, distributors and partners, as the most important resource, to meet customers needs and to insure the accomplishment of all their lives value through all-around customer services and deep customer analysis. CRM is also a new type of management mechanism and management technology which can improve the relationship between enterprises and customers.The implementation of CRM can be considered into two aspects. The first is to solve management problem, then the information technology support should be given to this new management mode.. In this two aspects, the management conception is the essential condition if the implementation of CRM to be successed, and CRM will lose its basic if this problem can not be solved well. At the same time, if there is no support of information technology, the efficiency of CRM will not be sure, and the carrying through of managemnt conception will lose its footing. It is a theme of this article.The article presents the strategy of integration of CRM and enterprises’ system, which is the emphasis of this article, and also the major problem discussed by this article. The integration of CRM and ERP, CRM and SCM, CRM and MIS, CRM and ASP are discussed here..The article presents the features of CRM solution in China and gives prospects on how our enterprise to implement CRM, related with Chinese conditions and our enterprises’ information development, under the premise of the development of CRM in China. The article concentrates on how to integrate a variety of computer thechonologies and details how to apply CRM system in China, based on, the theory of CRM. The major problems of implementation of CRM are also being discussed. The author wishes this article can be a reference that can help Chinese enterprises to change the antiquated management mechanism and transit old conceptions as soon as possible, at the same time, impulsing the implementation of CRM.

【关键词】 客户关系管理整合业务流程
【Key words】 CRMIntegrationBusiness procedure
  • 【分类号】F274
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】510

