

The Study on Disclosure of Related Party Relationships and Transactions

【作者】 胡波

【导师】 郝继陶;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 会计学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 会计信息质量的真实性和可靠性要求报告实体在对外发布会计信息时,应充分披露关联方关系及其关联交易,以便让会计信息使用者能正确认识报告实体的财务状况和经营成果,有助于了解企业对关联交易的依赖程度。关联交易是一项特殊的经济活动,在经济多元化的今天,关联交易越来越常见,正当关联交易不拘于形式,能够节约交易成本,促进稀缺资源的有效配置。但是,在实际操作中,一些企业为了达到某些目的,往往通过财务报告提供虚假信息,粉饰财务状况和经营成果,利用关联交易是重要手段之一。目前在我国证券市场,上市公司的关联交易问题尤为严重。利用不当关联交易增加公司的利润,或制造虚假的关联交易借以抬高股价,套取资本市场资金,扰乱资本市场秩序。因此,在我国如何规范企业关联方关系及其关联交易的披露问题显得迫切。我国证监部门出台了一些与上市公司关联方及关联交易的披露相关的管理条例,我国会计准则在借鉴国际惯例的同时,根据中国的特色制定了符合中国经济现状的关联方关系及关联交易的披露准则,但在执行过程中出现了一系列的问题。 本篇就我国关联交易的现状进行实证分析,重点研究《企业会计准则—关联方关系及其交易的披露》(关联方关系的判断标准,关联交易的类型,应披露的方式和内容),结合证监部门对上市公司关联方及关联交易信息披露的规定,分析上市公司关联交易及其信息披露的现状,就关联方的范围确定,关联交易的定价政策及其披露内容等方面借鉴国外会计准则关联交易的内容提出一些观点,规范上市公司关联方交易及其信息的披露,提高上市公司会计信息质量,杜绝上市公司利用关联交易虚报利润,套取证券市场资金,损害中小投资者权益行为,促进证券市场良性发展。拟分为四个部分,第一章.根据我国的实际情况论述规范关联方关系及其关联交易披露的必要性,从理论角度介绍会计准则—关联方关系及其关联交易的披露的内容;第二章.用会计准则标准来实证分析上市公司关联交易及披露情况,在这一章中,从沪深两地股市采集一定量的样本,用实际的数据来分析关联方关系及其关联交易的披露存在的问题、原因及危害;第三章.针对性的比较国外会计相关准则,包括国际会计准则及西方一些有特点的会计规范与我国的会计准则就关联方关系及关联交易披露的内容相比,分析异同;第四章.分别从法律角度、管理当局角度和上市公司自身角度对如何规范关联方关系及关联交易的披露提出几点建议。

【Abstract】 Reliability and dependable of the quantity about accounting information request report entity should disclosure of related party relationship and transactions enough,when announced accounting information at outward ,in order to let the accounting information user can right consider report entity’s financial standing and operate result ,it is benefical to understand how the business enterprise about depending on related party transactions . Related party transaction is a special economic activities ,it more and more familiar on today of diversification economy. The proper related party transaction do not inflexible the form ,can economize the bargain cost,promote the install of sparse resources. But in operation ,some business enterprise for attaining some purpose ,usually offering the deceitful finance information to cover up the financial standing and operate performance by the related party transaction,it is an important means. Now in Chinese stock market ,related party transaction between listed companies is the problem particularly,some of them make use of the malfeasance related party transactions to add the profits of the company or make the deceitful related party transactions to jack up the stock price ,set to take the fund from capital market .disturbance the order of capital market .therefore,how norm disclosure of related party relationships and transactions in china,it seem to be urgently .Chinese stock supervise section set some management regulation about disclosure of related party relationship and transactions,Chinese accounting standard about disclosure of related party relationships and transactions is according to china’s special features and draw lessons from international tradition. But in operation ,it appeared a series of the problem.This dissertation demonstration analysis corporation status in quo about related party relationships and transactions ,emphases research " accounting standard for business enterprises:disclosure of related party relationships and transactions"(the judgment standard of related party relationships,type of related party transactions and what should disclosure),joined together the regulation that formulated by stock supervise for corporation,analyze the status in quo of china ,draw lessons from the abroad accounting standard to norm disclosure of related party relationships and transactions between corporations to bring up accounting quantity,eradicate listed company make false report profits to take the fund from stock market and injure the small investor’s rights,develop stock market.This dissertation divided into four chapter,chapter 1,discussing the necessity for norm disclosure related party relationships and transactions,introducing the accounting standard about this section from the theories angle;chapter 2. using the accounting standard analysis the status in quo of listed company,collect amount’s sample from ShangHai and ShenZhen stock market to using the actual date analyzing ;chapter 3. analyze the different and similar between china and international;chapter 4. bring up some suggestion about how norm disclosure related party relationships and transactions,from the law angle,accounting angle and listed company oneself angle.

  • 【分类号】F830.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】467

