

The Development of Diesel Engine Remote Control Set Based on PLC and Simulation Debug System

【作者】 汤旭晶

【导师】 鲁凯生;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 轮机工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 主机遥控是现代船舶的重要标志,是实现无人值班机舱必不可少的充要条件之一。 主机遥控是指远离机旁,在驾驶室或集控室借助自动控制装置,操纵主机的一种遥控装置。本文介绍了以可编程序控制器(PLC)为控制核心,用软件编程的方法,取代传统的电子、气动、液压或继电器的逻辑和数字运算功能,而研制的一套中速柴油机主机遥控装置;以及配合该装置在没有控制对象(柴油主机)情况下,可以进行功能试验的一套仿真调试系统。 本文的主要研究内容有: 1.中速主机遥控系统的总体功能设计:针对不可倒转中速柴油机,减速可逆齿轮箱、和固定螺距浆组成的船舶推进系统这一具体的被控对象,设计的主要功能包括:操纵方式及操纵方式转换功能,换向及逻辑控制功能,程序调速功能,安全保护和故障报警功能,系统故障检测,参数修改功能等; 2.中速柴油机遥控系统系统硬件和软件设计:硬件设计主要是机旁控制箱、主控箱、集控驾控信号板的硬件电路设计,以及外围模块和输入输出断线检测模块的设计;软件设计是针对遥控系统定义的功能和硬件设计,利用STEP7-Micro/WIN32编制PLC主机遥控系统程序。 3.主机遥控装置仿真调试系统硬件和软件设计:根据不可逆转中速柴油机带齿轮箱这一对象的工作机理及PLC遥控系统的功能和硬件特点。设计一块基于ISA总线,扩充以80C196单片机为主体的功能模块,实现所有输入/输出信号的处理。软件主要包括上位微机功能检测程序和单片机的模拟及采集程序。上位微机检测程序采用WINDOWS98环境下,VISUAL C++6.0开发。 从样机通过试验大纲各项试验和专家验收表明,该系统达到了设计要求。

【Abstract】 Diesel engine remote control system Is an important sign ofmodern dleseal.nd realizing the Unmaned mchlnery space,It become one of*the most iii&lfi COllditlollS. Diesel engine remote control system Is a sort ofremote co血rol equlpme血. Mth it the diesel Is controlled bx·servomechanlsm In cab or engineer control room far away from the diesel.This paper Introduced an lmltatlon test system forthe remotecontrol set ofmlddle speed marine diesel engine.Itlsmalnlv made ofProgrammable Logic Controller.And It Is controlled by software platform Instead ofconventlonal logic and numeral operation伽ctlon of electron,air-stir,hydraulic or relax”.At the same time It can carry thougha sort of function test without engine. The main contents researched In this paper are as follows: The middle speed marine diesel engine remote control system‘s total function design:Aimming at material controlled object(marine boost system)Which Is made of the un-reverse”s middle speed marine diesel,speed-down gear case and fixing screwpropellor the deslgnedmaln function:Manipulate and its conversion mode,logic control function,procedure timing肋ctlon,safeprotect andtrouble alarmfunctlon,systemtro毗ie Inspect parameter revise Cio. The mlddk speed marine diesel engine remote control system‘shardware and softwaredeslgn:Hardware circuit design consists mainly oflocal control box,main control box EC and WH signal board.signal knothole hardware the electric clrcultthe design,and outer circle module with Inputting and on…flitlug exmlne module.The software design Is made up ofPLC the hostthe remote comrol the systemprocedure by STEP7-Micro/Win32. ThCd1CSClfCinotC COlltTOI lttiltatC SystCffihatdWSYC slid SOftW8fCd6Slgfi: Accordingic middle speeddlesel gear case workmechanlsm,PLC remote control system’s function and hardware characteristic.The authordeslgn a function module based on ISA and 80of96kc to deal all inputting and on…dingslgnal,The softwareprlmarlly reallzethe eplgynycomputer funCt1Oll ChCCk ld dat& COllCCtloll.ThC hC Cplgyfly COthpniCT IS COttipllCd by -互二-PLCVISUAL C++6.0 in the conditions of WINDOWS98.It has indicated that the system come to design demand through all test and expert check and accept.

  • 【分类号】U664.8
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】476

