

Research into Construction Control Technology of PC Rigid Frame Bridges with Long Span

【作者】 刘胜春

【导师】 张开银; 何雄君;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 结构工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国公路和铁路高速交通事业的发展,急需修建更多的大跨度桥梁以跨越大江、大河和海湾,预应力混凝土连续刚构桥应运而生,近年来得到较快的发展。刚构桥能满足特大跨径桥梁的受力要求,除两端以外无其他伸缩缝,有利于行车平顺舒适,具有结构整体性能好、抗震能力强、承载能力强、施工快捷、桥体简洁明快、维护方便和便于悬臂施工等结构特点,因而在城乡已建和在建的桥梁中占据了越来越大的比重。 预应力混凝土刚构桥采用经济合理的自架设体系施工方法-悬臂拼装或悬臂现浇法。这种施工方法的采用,必然给桥梁结构带来较为复杂的内力和位移变化,为了保证桥梁施工质量和桥梁施工安全,桥梁施工控制是必不可少的环节和措施。本文主要结合蔡甸汉江公路大桥的施工监测监控项目,研究施工预拱度控制的结构计算和误差调整方法。 论文第一部分简单回顾了预应力混凝土刚构桥的发展历程,对刚构桥设计、施工方法等主要内容作了较为详尽叙述,并介绍了国内外在这一方面的研究动态和主要研究成果。随后阐述了本论文研究的必要性和意义: 第一、分析施工过程中各种施工因素对结构内力和成桥线形的影响,为同 类型桥梁的施工监测监控积累经验。 第二、研究大跨度预应力混凝土刚构桥的施工监测监控方法,以完善大跨 度预应力刚构桥的施工监测监控技术。 论文在第二部分对研究所涉及的具体工程项目-蔡甸汉江公路大桥施工监测监控方法作了简要的介绍。 本论文的其后部分主要是从工程实际出发,对预应力混凝土刚构桥施工过程线形预拱度控制的结构计算分析和误差调整预测方面作了较为深入的研究,对预应力混凝土刚构桥施工控制过程的影响因素作了全面的分析。同时,在对预应力混凝土刚构桥施工过程线形预拱度控制的结构计算分析的基础上,利用BP神经网络的预测理论和相应的程序及软件包MATLAB6.1对预拱度控制中的误差调整进行了较好的预测处理,通过与实际施工数据及成桥后测量结果作分析比较,得到结论: 运用本论文的计算模型和程序对预应力混凝土刚构桥预拱度控制过程进 武汉理工大学硕士学位论文行结构分析和误差调整处理是可行。

【Abstract】 With the rapid transit development of China’s highway and railway,more long span bridges were needed to span great rivers and bays,PC continuous rigid frame bridge emerged as the times require and was developed fleetly in recent years. The PC rigid frame bridge can meet with the carrying capacity of long span bridge. This kind of structure is fit for the comfortable steer with no other expansion joints except for those at the two ends. It characterized the wholeness of structure,good astigmatic ability and load-bearing ability,construction rapidness,bright and pithiness bridge style,easy to maintain and convenient for segmental construction using the cantilever technique,so rigid frame bridge have taken an increasingly great proportion in bridges constructed and those under construction at city and county.The rigid frame bridge adopts the economical and reasonable segmental construction technique (including cantilever installation and cantilever mold). This construction method results in the complex change of the internal forces and displacements in the bridge. The bridge construction control is essential measure and step to ensure the quality and safety in the procedure of the bridge construction. In this essay the technique of the structure calculation and error adjustment measures used in bridge construction prefigurative deviation control was researched based on the construction control and monitor project of Wuhan Caidian Han river bridge.The first part of the paper gives a brief historical retrospect to the development of PC rigid frame bridges,and a detailed account of the information about their structure design and construction technique,and an introduction to the recent research at domestic and abroad,and an exposition of the necessity and significance of the study in this paper:First,to analyze the influence of the factors come from the construction procedure on the bridge structure internal forces and line form,for the accumulation of experiences to guide" construction control in the same type of bridge.Second,to search for reasonable bridge construction supervision and control means in order to consummate the construction monitor and control technique usedin big span PC rigid frame bridges.The second part of the paper offers an account of the project concerned,that is,the construction control method of Wuhan Caidian Han river bridge.After that,the paper makes a relatively profound study analysis of the structure calculation and error adjust forecast technique used in PC rigid frame bridges construction monitor and control,and comprehensive analyzes of the influence factors in building the bridges,based on the engineering practice. Then on the basis of calculating result from the prefigurative deviation control structure calculation," rational data forecast processing about error adjust in prefigurative deviation control was made by the prefigurative theory of BP Neural Network and corresponding program and software MATLAB6.1.At last via the data comparison with the practical survey data draw a conclusion:It is feasible for the construction prefigurative deviation control and error adjust used in PC rigid frame bridges to use the calculation model and program brought forward in this paper.

  • 【分类号】U448.35
  • 【被引频次】28
  • 【下载频次】636

