

Researches on Instauration and Risk Prevention of Second-board Market of Our Country

【作者】 刘勇

【导师】 郭礼江;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 企业管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪90年代,国际市场的一大亮点是众多资本市场都设立了针对中小创新公司的股票市场——二板市场。二板市场的出现不是偶然和孤立的观象,它实质上是知识经济发展和经济全球化趋势的必然。我国资本市场发展时间较短,建设的重点主要放在深沪两市场上,随着社会主义市场经济的发展,现有的较为单一的市场体系越来越显出局限性,建设包括二板市场在内的各层次的资本市场体系已势在必行。因此分析和研究我国二板市场的运作模式有着主要的理论和现实意义。 本文通过二板市场产生的原因、背景及国外主要二板市场运作模式的对比研究,阐明我国开设二板市场的客观必然性和可能性。并系统地对我国二板市场的设立模式及市场规则进行了总体设计研究,主要内容有以下几方面: 1、系统地阐述了二板市场的概念、特征及国外主要二板市场的发展状况,提出了我国二板市场设立的必要性和可能性。 2、通过对国外二板市场运作模式的分析比较,阐明了我国二板市场设立的模式选择。 3、从我国国情出发,对我国二板市场运作规则进行了总体构想,并对我国二板市场的运作规则提出了几点建议。 4、借鉴国外成熟二板市场风险管理的经验教训,对我国二板市场可能出现的风险提出了相应对策。 本文表明,二板市场是独立于主板市场之外的全新独立型市场,是资本市场的重要组成部分,将对我国证券市场的发展有着重要的作用和深远的意义。

【Abstract】 In 1990s,a bright feature in the international market is that numerous capital marketsset up stock market-second-board market,aimed at innovational company of middleand small scale. Emergence of the second-board market is not a occasional and isolated phenomenon,in fact,it is necessity of the development of knowledge economy and the globality of economy. In our country,the development of capital market just has a short period of time,and its construction emphasis is mostly in Shenzhen and Shanghai securities businesses. With the development of socialist market economy,the present single market system reveals its limitation increasingly;it must be imperative under the situation to construct capital market system of different arrangement including the second-board market. So it has great theoretic and practical meaning to analyze and research the operational pattern of second-board market of our country.This paper illustrates the impersonal inevitability and possibility to set up the second-board market of our country by contrastive researches on its procreant reason,background and overseas primary operational patterns,and designs instauration pattern and market regulations of the second-board market of our country by the numbers. The primary contents are as follows:1. The paper expatiates the concept, characters and overseas developmental conditions of the second-board market in a systemic point of view,and puts forward the necessity and possibility to set up the second-board market of our country.2. The paper illustrates the choice of instauration pattern of the second-board market of our country by contrastive analysis of overseas primary operational patterns of the second-board market.3. Set out from the situation of our country,the paper constructs the market operational regulations of the second-board market in the mass and puts forward a little advice to the operational regulations of our second-board market.4. The paper puts forward some corresponding countermeasures to the possible risks in our second-board market by referring experience and lesson of risks management in overseas mature second-board market.The paper indicates that the second-board market is new and absolute market that is isolated from the main-board market;it is an important segment of the capital market,it will have great effect and far-reaching meaning to the development of our securities business.

  • 【分类号】F832.5
  • 【下载频次】96

