

Research on Applying Distributed Monitoring and Control Systems for Oilfield Production Process

【作者】 李超

【导师】 黎洪生;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 论文以油田联合站分布式监控系统为例,研究了分布式监控系统在油田生产中的应用。介绍了分布式控制系统的研究与发展,分析了当前的发展趋势,指出分布式控制系统将由目前广泛应用的DCS向FCS逐渐发展,二者在结构上相互集成,并在一段时间内共存。随着以太网技术与Internet技术开始进入工业控制领域,现场总线技术、Ethernet技术、Internet技术相互结合,未来分布式控制系统将有更大的发展前景。同时论文对监控系统软件开发中的动态数据交换技术、组件开发技术以及OPC技术进行了分析,并对远程监控系统的实现技术做出了探讨。最后详细介绍了河南油田魏岗联合站分布式监控系统开发中的软硬件设计。 油田联合站担负油田原油生产油、气、水处理,原油集输等重要任务,而且还包括了油田中的多项工艺,在油田生产中占据了重要的地位。而目前大多数联合站都存在生产过程参数监测和生产过程控制装置技术陈旧,设备老化等问题,严重影响了安全生产。因此研制开发联合站生产过程实时监控系统具有很大的实际意义。 本文介绍的联合站分布式监控系统采用分层分布式结构,以PLC构成系统的底层控制站,完成生产过程的数据采集和过程控制,以IPC构成系统的操作站,完成数据显示、人机界面操作和对整个工艺、控制系统的管理,以及报表打印等功能。在此基础上建立了基于网络应用技术的远程监控系统,实现了生产过程实时信息的远程监控和管理。整个系统人机对话方便简洁,系统构成灵活易扩展,系统可靠性高,具有较好的通用性和工程推广性。

【Abstract】 In this paper the application of distributed monitoring and control systems for oilfield production is discussed from the instance of oilfield combine station distributed monitoring and control system. After introducing the research actuality and development of distribute control system, author analyzes the trend of distribute control system, pointing out the popularity applied DCS will progress to field-bus control system gradually. Both will coexist in a period of time and integrate each other in structure. With the Ethernet and Internet starting be applied in industry control, distributing control system will have better prospect in future. In the meantime, author analyzes the techniques in monitoring software developing such as dynamic data exchange, component development and OPC, discusses the realizing technique of remote monitoring system. At last, author describes the hardware design and software design of a distributing monitoring system in henna weigang oilfield combine station.Oilfield combine station plays a vital role in oilfield producing. Besides including several craftworks, it takes on disposal of oil, gas and water, oil storage and transportation etc important tasks. However, most oilfield combine stations have many problems such as technique behind the times in parameters measurement and control equipment, facility aging etc. These problems affect the producing safe badly. So developing the oilfield combine station producing real-time monitoring system has high practicality signification.The oilfield combine station monitoring system introduced in this paper adopted distributing structure, realized data monitoring and process controlling implemented by the PLC system, realized data displaying, MMI, supervising of whole craftwork and control system and report forms printing implemented by IPC. In the basis of the above system, established the remote monitoring system, realized remote monitoring and managing of real-time producing information. Having friendly MMI, good flexibility and high reliability, the whole system is worth to popularize.

  • 【分类号】TP277
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】301

