

Study on the Effect and Countermeasure that Chinese Telecommunication Industry Join the WTO

【作者】 万里

【导师】 杨青;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 技术经济及管理学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 2001年11月10日,中国在历经了15年的风风雨雨之后终于正式加入WTO。电信市场的开放是经济全球化的必然结果,中国加入世贸组织从全国层面上看,对外开放的利大于弊,从电信行业层面上看,目前对外开放的弊大于利,但是若利用好开放带来的机会,抓紧体制改革与企业重组,努力提高中国电信企业的竞争实力,那么就可以在较短的时间内,化弊为利,创造一个民族企业与合资企业共同繁荣的崭新局面。 论文的开始介绍了加入WTO对中国经济的影响以及对中国电信产业的影响:通过对国外心信产业的发展介绍,了解了国外电信产业的改革和发展历程;同时也回顾了中国电信产业2000年的发展状况。通过对电信行业的特性进行量化分析,知道电信行业屈于增长型行业。通过对中国电信行业核心公司的分析,看道了我们与国外公司的差距,也了解了自身的优势所在。加入WTO以后中国的电信服务产业必将受到冲击,而电信制造业将泰然面对挑战。中国加入WTO,中国电信市场将形成激烈竞争的局面。合资电信公司的经营模式、管理技术和服务营销策略形成的竞争优势,将迫使中国电信业必须选择一种有效的重组对策。除了国内企业应不断提高内部管理效率和经营模式,调整资费价格外,最大可能提高国内电信企业的技术水平,充分占有市场,并在此基础上重组国内电信企业。有针对性地选择国际合作伙伴,优先设计跨区域协作,将是减轻开放风险、分流开放成本的重要对策。 本论文就加入WTO对中国电信产业的影响及对策进行了详细的分析研究,对加入WTO后我国电信产业面临的问题、未来的发展方向、目标及战略提出了个人的观点和看法。 通过研究国外电信产业的发展道路,从中汲取经验教训。中国电信行业应该逐步放开,可以采取外国电信公司入股,国内电信公司之间并购:扩大规模、提高竞争力。建立完善的电信保障体系;鼓励企业竞争,提高其国际竞争力;完善市场准入规则,扩大对国内开放。 中国加入WTO对电信行业来说机遇和挑战并存,中国的电信制造业已经在和国际巨头竞争:并产生了国人引以为傲的巨龙、大唐、中兴、华为四大民族通信制造企业。中国的电信服务业将受到一定程度的冲击,但竞争有利于创造公平的竞争环境、改善我们的服务水平。 加入WTO后,固话市场对外开放应有一段时间。而月固话市场投资大见效慢,外资企业火规模参与竞争的可能性部不太大。因此,进入WTO一段时间内,中国固定电话市场不会受到很大的冲击。相反,固话市场将迎来一个发展机遇。资金和技术引入将变得更加容易。 在移动通信方面,根据有关规定,移动通信将在入世1年,开放北京、 武汉理工大学硕士学位论文 上海、广州,不受数量限制地建立中外合资企业,外资股权比例不超过25%; 入世后3年,再开放上述14个城市,外资股权比例不超过35%:入世后5 年,全国开放,外资股权比例不超过49%。入世会对中国正处在高速发展 的移动通信提供一个很好的发展机遇,一方面将有利于移动通信吸引外资, 引进国际先进的管理经验、经营理念、创新手段和运行方式等。 最后的结论:面对越来越开放和竞争日益激烈的电信市场,中国的电 信业应该大有作为。加入WTO,对中国电信业总体来说利大于弊!

【Abstract】 November 10, 2001 China formally entered into the WTO (world trade organization) after the 15 years frustration. The opening of the telecommunication market is automatic result of globalize economy. Chinese entry into the WTO has more benefit than irregularity from the whole country. Chinese entry into the WTO has more irregularity than benefit from the telecommunication industry. If we can fully use the chance, improve the competitive ability of Chinese telecommunication company. We can convert the irregularity into benefit in the shorter time.The first part of the paper introduced the effect on economy and telecommunication industry that China join the WTO. And introduce the development of foreign telecommunication industry, know the reform and development of foreign telecommunication industry, recite the 2000 developing status of Chinese telecommunication industry . The emphasis is analyse the character of the telecommunication industry, draw the conclusion: the telecommunication industry is a increasing industry . After analysed the core company, know the gap between the foreign company at the same time, we know our advantage .The telecommunication service must be affected after China join the WTO, but telecommunication manufactures will face the competition . The telecommunication market will have a fircely competitive circumstance.The paper detailedly analysed the effectness and counterplan that the WTO give the telecommunication industry, and bring forth my opinion and advice about the problem , future development, destination and strategy.After study the development of the foreign telecommunication industry. Chinese telecommunication industry should gradually open , welcome the foreign company enter the Chinese market, combine the Chinese company: amplify the scale , enhance the competition.Set up perfect telecommunication indemnity system; encourage company to compete, improve their international comptetitive ability; perfect the market entering rule, widen the open to civil.There are chances and challenge for Chinese entry into the WTO, Chinese telecommunication manufactures have competed with foreign companies: we have the four telecommunication companies JULONG , DATANG , ZHONGXING, HUAWEI, Chinese telecommunication service will be affected at same degree , but competition is useful to create fair comptetitiveenvironment, perfect our service level.After join the WTO, there are some time for the opening of fixed telephone .For fixed telephone market, investment is high. The possibilty for foreign company compete with civil company is small.Thus the fixed telephone market will not be affected after join the WTO. On the contrary, the fixed market will have a developing chance. It will be easy for us to bring in the capital, technique.As for the mobile telecommunication, according the rule, after join the WTO one year, the mobile telecommunication market will open Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, unlimited set up joint venture companies, the ratio of foreign capital no more than 25%; after join the WTO 3 years, open following 14 cities, the ratio of the foreign capital no more than 35%, after join the WTO 5 years, open the whole market, the ratio of foreign capital no more than 49%. Join the WTO will give the rapid developing mobile telecommunication a good chance, it will be benefical to get foreign capital, get the foreign advanced management experience , dealeido, innovality method and running mode.The conclusion: facing the fircely compteting telecommunication market, Chinese telecommunication industry should have a act. It has more benefit than defectiveness for Chinese entry into the WTO.

【关键词】 WTO电信产业并购
【Key words】 WTOtelecommunication industrymerger
  • 【分类号】F621
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】303

