

The Performance Evaluation of High Tech Enterprises

【作者】 孙萍

【导师】 郭礼江;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 企业管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 在当代,绩效评价系统的完善与改进已成为理论界和实务界普遍关注的问题。传统绩效评价主要利用财务指标进行评价,注重对企业经营结果的反映,带有静止、单一、被动反映的特点,不能主动地进行分析管理,也不能与组织的战略目标及管理手段实现有机的结合。这些弊端在工业社会向信息社会转变过程中已经变得日益突出,尤其在高新技术企业中。本文分析了国内企业现行的绩效评价系统的特点,并重点分析了其对高新技术企业绩效评价的不合理之处,从而提出本文所要研究的问题,并对国外企业绩效评价发展趋势及其创新进行了较深入的研究,在此基础上针对高新技术企业的自身特点,借鉴国外绩效评价的先进经验,构建了一个全新的、适合于高新技术企业的绩效评价体系。该体系实行财务评价与非财务评价相结合,尤其在非财务评价方面,本文从企业研究与开发(R&D)、创新能力和知识资产贡献等三个方面对高新技术企业的绩效进行评价,从而弥补财务评价的不足。

【Abstract】 At present, the reform of the traditional system of performance evaluation is hot problem, not only in the field of theory, but in the practice. The traditional system of performance evaluation use mainly financial standards to evaluate enterprises. So it’s still, simple and passive. It can’t analyse and administer enterprises objectively and link with enterprises’ strategic target. These disadvantages become more evident, Specially in high Tech. Enterprises. This paper analyses the present situation and development tendency of Chinese and foreign system of performance evaluation. Meanwhile links with high tech. Enterprises’ characters and refer to the foreign experience, The author ties to build a new system of performance evaluation. This system links the financial evaluation with nonfmancial evaluation, Specially in nonfmancial evaluation, This system evaluates High Tech. enterprises form R&D, ability of innovation and contribution of knowledge asset to remedy the disadvantages of financial evaluation.

  • 【分类号】F276.44
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】493

